27. The Dam Breaks

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27. The Dam Breaks

"No, Max."

I pout. "Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"Mature, much?" I tap my foot. "Sam, back me up here."

"I don't know, Max," Sam joins in. "That's not something Dean lets people get away with. To my knowledge, only our dad and I've driven the Impala. Nobody else."

"I don't see why I can't take the keys and run some errands."

Since we've been recovering from losing the Angel Tablet to Cas, I've had it in my mind to take a break from the insanity and go out and do something normal. I want to do it, on my own. But in order for me to get away from the bunker, it requires a car, and a memory map. I have one thing, Dean's being an ass and not giving me the other thing.

"Come on, I'm wasting daylight!" I whine. "Fork over the keys." I have my hand out.

"Do you even know how to drive?" Dean asks.

"I was homeless, Dean, not stupid. I know how to drive a car."

"Yeah, but how long has it been since you've been behind the wheel?"

"It'll be muscle memory," I deadpan. "Keys. Now. Or you'll force me to wrestle you for them. I might even get Sam to help me."

"I don't want any part of it," Sam voices. I stare at the younger Winchester pointedly.

"I don't know, Max..." says Dean.

"Do you still not trust me?" I grimace. "We've been in this place together for how long now? I haven't once tried to steal anything. Is that what you're afraid of, that I'll drive off with the car and never come back?" I raise an eyebrow.

Dean's mouth opens, but no words flounder out. I think I've got him trapped. There's no reason why I shouldn't be allowed to take the Impala out for the spin.

"Give me a shot, Dean," I plea. "And some cash."

"What do you want next, a key to the city?"

I'm very tempted to throw out a nice retort, but I know it's way too soon. "Keys and cash or not, Dean? I need to stock up the kitchen."

"You think you'll be able to do it on your own?"

I groan. "Yes."

I hide the smile as he fishes the keys out. He drops the keys into my hand and pulls me close by my wrist. "Not a scratch on Baby, okay? Not. A. Scratch."

"How about some cash for the food?" I feel the bills get pressed against my palm.

"You got everything on the list?"


"Including pie?"

I snicker. "Yes, Dean. I'll come back with some, promise."

"You better."

"Well, this shouldn't take me more than an hour and a half at best. You two try not to kill each other while I'm gone." I peck Dean on the mouth before heading for the stairs.

"Dude, did she kick your ass and leave marks where I can't see them?" Sam jabs at his brother. "You never let anyone take the car."

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