16. The Reunion (Part 2)

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16. The Reunion (Part 2)

I think it's safe to say I would rather be mucking stalls than be a waitress for the Cassitys.

Two seconds in, and I already wanted to punch Cindy. She just rubbed me the wrong way. Noah Cassity winked at me, and I felt disgusted on the inside. Cradle robber was the first thing that came to mind when I met him face to face. If his wife wasn't the legal age, I would have deemed him a pedophile. Margot seemed to be the nicest out of the Cassitys, and the quietest too.

Unfortunately, due to my slight discomfort with the rich family, it left Sam to do a lot of the work on his own out in the dining room. I hang back, ready to open another bottle of wine. These Cassitys sure do love their red wine. I'd taken a taste once the bottle was opened. It was an acquired taste.

"You feeling okay, Natasha?"

I turn at Ellie's voice. "Yeah, fine. Not used to waking up so early." I stretch.

"It's a huge wakeup call for newbies," she admits with a smile. "Don't worry, you're doing fine. Just grin and bear it for a little bit."

"Is that what you do?"

"Most of the time." She leaves for the dining room. I let my ears travel where Ellie is going, ready to pick up on conversation.

"Al, I'm so sorry about Carl." If I have to guess, that's Margot's voice. "I mean, he was the love of your life."

"Right," I hear Alice say absently.

"Please, she can do better," says Noah.

"Maybe Alice should marry a child-take after her father," comes a high, nasally voice. Yeah, that's Cindy all right.

"Ivanka's not a child."

"Right. She's a prostitute who looks like a child."

"Okay then," I whisper to myself.

"Are you done?" Margot snaps. "Alice is in mourning."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Margie," Cindy retorts. "I didn't see you there-you're too far up on your high horse." Her laugh is nails on a chalkboard to my ears. "Oh, yes, but you are right-we should all take a minute and says a few words about Carl. You first. Was he a good lay?"

"What?" Alice asks.

"Oh, you didn't know? Yeah, Daddy caught 'em going at it in the barn."

"Al, it was before you two got together," Margot says quickly. "I mean, Carl-he loved you."

"Yeah, that was back when Margie was fat and Cin was sober, a long time ago," says Noah.

"Get cancer and die, old man," Cindy says bitterly.

"You first, sweetie."

My ears lose their advantage when Ellie and Sam come back.

"Are they always like this?" I complain to Ellie. Nobody's bound to hear me in the dining room, they're all too busy going for each other's throats.

"More or less."

"How can you work here?" Sam adds as he's opening another wine bottle.

"I love the property, I love the animals, and I tune out the people."

"Smart method," I commend her. Sam heads back out with the freshly opened bottle. "It must pay off since you're still here."

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