9.5 - "You Earn a Little, I Give a Little."

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9.5 - "You Earn a Little, I Give a Little."

"What, was Sam too busy again so he left me with you?"

"The kid can't help it, he's a bookworm."

"Just like his grandfather," I muse.

I was able to meander into the kitchen after Sam came to grab me for dinner. Believe it or not, Dean can actually make food, and I don't mean cereal or toast. I mean legitimate food that doesn't make me want to puke hours later. He's definitely got a lot of layers to him, there's a lot more that I don't see.

After dinner, Sam went back to the books and since Dean nor I could pull him away, it was stowed upon Dean to assess my forehead. So, that is what we're doing now. The injury isn't so bad that it requires cleanup in the bathroom, so we settle for my bedroom. Dean also brought along some more ibuprofen for me to take so that I can sleep through the night.

"I'm not gonna need stitches, am I?"

"Doesn't look like it. You're getting lucky. Just needs some bandaging."

"Yay, so I'll look like I got wounded in war."

"I'm not wrapping your head, just putting a bandage on it. Relax, drama queen."

I hiss as Dean puts some antiseptic on the wound. "Yes, nurse."

"Is that your only setting, snarky and sarcastic?"

"Is being angry yours?"

"I have reason to be how I am now, just like I'm sure you have your reasons. I bet sarcasm didn't bode over well with the homeless."

"There weren't enough to talk to." I shrug. "And those that did weren't nice. The streets aren't safe. Nowhere is."

"You know, I could be doing something else right now. I could let you do this yourself."

"But you won't," I say plainly. I cringe a little as Dean places the bandage on my forehead. "Just like you could have left me at the store or let cops or an ambulance take me away and solve your problems." I tilt my head thoughtfully. "You're a hard man to figure out, Dean Winchester."

"You're not an easy puzzle yourself." His lips try and twitch into something of a smirk. "We'll keep an eye on this." He lets a heartbeat of silence pass between us. "Let me ask you something, Tasha. What happened back there?"


"You were fine earlier and then you just...collapsed?"

"Oh if only you used your logic," I sigh. "Dean, look at me. I'm starved. I'm deprived. I hadn't eaten for some time. Being hungry does affect you in bad ways. I got dizzy and just passed out, consequently hurting myself in the process."

"You're sure?"

I look at him oddly. "Yes...I'm sure."

"Nothing strange happened prior?"

I snort. "Dean, nothing came after me, I just had a spell. Since I'll be properly fed now, they won't happen again. Ease up on the guard dog act a little, would you?" My lips quirk a bit. "How about you go join your brother in some reading, huh? Or maybe you'd want to go back to that sword-"


"You're such a geek."

"That's my brother's title."

"Just get out of here, I want to try and sleep," I shoo him. Dean looks a bit reluctant to leave me. But he does begin to leave.

A fleeting thought comes to mind. A name. "Maxine."

Dean's at the doorway. "What?"

"Maxine. That's-that's my real name." I rub my elbows. At this, he turns. I can't sit down in the bed now, I stand.

"So now we're changing identities?"

"It's the truth," I say a bit pointedly. "My full name is Maxine Barton."

"Say you are coming clean. Why? Why now?"

"Why not?" I shrug. "I'm still alive because of you and your brother. I'm not out there anymore. I value trust. You earn a little, I give a little."

"Well, if you go by that principle"-Dean crosses to me-"I believe you're missing this."

I look down and see my shank held out for me to take. I look up at him. I almost forgot about it, truthfully, with things the way they were the past few days. "Not a trick?" I ask.

"Like you said, you earn a little, I give a little."

"What, you're not worried that I'll try and kill you in your sleep?"

"If you tried, I would kill you first." His tone is teasing, but I hear the serious undertone. Note to self: don't actually try and kill Dean Winchester. He will kill you first. "It's a damn shame, though."

"What is?"

"That Natasha isn't your real name."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why?" I take my weapon and hold it limply at my side.

"It was growing on me." He looks a bit ashamed to admit it, judging by the small smile. "But I like Maxine better." I see a mischievous glint in his green eyes.

My eyes widen. "Don't you dare. I already see it in your eyes! I just gave you some trust, don't screw it up!" Oh dear lord what have I done?

"Just remember, you told me your name willingly. I didn't force it out of you!" he says as he walks away.

I groan and fall back on the bed. I wished Dean Winchester was an idiot, because then he wouldn't know the horrid nickname that I know that he thought up. I rarely got called it, and usually my friends did it to pester me. But now that Dean probably has the name in his head...

What did I just get myself into?

**So, yes, "Natasha" is really Maxine Barton. And, well, I'll bet you know Dean's nickname he's got in mind for her. (Seriously, I'm glad I named her Maxine, just because I knew I could have fun with Dean and his names for her).

Whether you ship (I don't know what people said about Natasha and Dean) or Dax (my ship name for them), either way, I can sense that you ship them. That you have since this book started.**

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