33. "Play Through the Pain."

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33. "Play Through the Pain."

"I'm sorry, fill me in here," I say. "Who's Charlie?"

We got an email last night from someone named Charlie, who had supposedly found the boys a case. Now, here we are, the following day, waiting. I'm still watching Sam like a mother hen, but I can't help it.

"We met her last year," says Dean. "You'll like her, maybe."

"Maybe? That sounds convincing."

"You haven't had a lot of women to talk to, Max. This might be good for you."

"Focus on the case, Dean, not my social life." I nudge his ribs.

Soon enough, a yellow bug finds its way to the bunker and stops. I notice the red hair even before she steps out of the car. When she does get out, I feel like an old lady. She's got a dorky look to her, but no glasses or anything, just the outfit. But it's not a bad dorky in any means.

"Your Highness!" Dean calls.

"What's up, bitches?"

I tilt my head. This friendship is a bit weird. I sort of loom in the background as Charlie hugs the brothers.

"You okay, Sam?" she asks as Sam leans rather heavily on the Impala.

"Yeah, no I'm, I'm good, yeah," he mutters.

You don't look it. Even Charlie can see that.

"Is this who you talked about?" Charlie looks at me. She almost gets this deer-in-headlights look. I don't look that hideous or scary, do I?

"You mentioned me?" I look at the brothers.

"We didn't want any surprises," Dean says.

"Don't worry, there wasn't any trash talk," Charlie assures me. "There actually wasn't much talk at all about you, other than your name."

"Then I guess we don't need any introduction," I say kindly.

"What're you doing in Kansas?" Sam asks Charlie.

"Uh...a comic convention. In Topeka."

"In the middle of the week?"

"Girl's gotta get her collectibles. So, are you gonna invite me into your dungeon, or do I gotta answer your 'questions three' first?"

"Allow us-let us introduce you to the Men of Letters."

* * *

"Holy awesome" are the first words out of Charlie's mouth. We're in the bunker library. Charlie's eyes are wide in awe. "Too bad they got wiped out, though that is what they get for the sexist name."

"Well, anyway, that's our skinny," says Sam. "How about you?"

"Um, made a deal with the yesteryear weirdos, we're gonna team up to stomp the Shadow Orcs. You guys are still coming to the mid-year jubilee, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it," says Dean.

I'm so lost. My mind feels a little out of control.

"So what about this case you brought for us?" I get right into things.

"When I was in Topeka, I saw this pop up over the wire," Charlie begins. "Tom Blake, a checkout clerk in Salina, who went missing on his way home from work. He was found dead yesterday, his insides liquefied. Locals have no idea what happened, they tried to bury the report so people wouldn't freak, but I flagged it. I have eliminated the following things that go bump in the night-"

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