29. Purgatory (Part 1)

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29. Purgatory (Part 1)

I get a knot in my stomach once the Impala pulls over to the side of the street. Some part of me feels uncomfortable with this. Well, I can't hitchhike back to the bunker now. I got to roll with it. I sigh through my nose. I see the yellow cab on the other side of the street, its driver next to the cab.

The three of us get out of the Impala and into the light drizzle, crossing the road to meet the driver.

"Ajay," Dean calls. "Need to talk to you for a sec."

"You know my name," Ajay says. He sounds surprised, removing his earpiece.

"And what you do," I add. "We want to do business."

"But you are mortal-flesh and blood."

"But if we wanted to cross the border into Hell-" says Sam.

"Visitor's pass," Dean finishes.

"No one wants to get into Hell," says Ajay. Oh, we're the idiots that do, I think grimly.

"But could a coyote like you do it?" asks Sam.

"It's possible. But I have special skills. I have overhead. It will be pricey."

"How pricey?"

"Hey, hey, I'm not an option," I snap when Ajay looks directly at me. "I'm along for the ride, not a bargaining tool."

Ajay ignores me and looks at the brothers. "You two are resourceful. One day, you will owe me a favor."

"You say that like you know us," says Sam cautiously.

"Of course. You're the Winchesters."

"Sorry. Have we met?" asks Dean. I'm sorry, Dean, but you and Sam aren't using your brains. If you're infamous in the supernatural world, your name would reach all ears.

"I am the reaper who took Bobby Singer to Hell."

"Bobby in Hell?" Sam repeats. "We burned his bones. Once we did that, it was over. End of story."

"Hmm...Not necessarily."

I want to question who this Bobby Singer guy is, but I know now isn't the right time.

"No, no, no," says Dean, "'cause, see, Bobby was on the good side of things, and good guys go to the penthouse."

"Usually, mostly. Depends on who you know, what palms get greased. If you're on the King of Hell's no-fly list, no way you cruise the friendly skies."

"Crowley." I hear the distaste in Dean's tone. "Okay, let's do this. How much for two tickets down and three back?"

"Dean," Sam and I say sharply.


"Come here." We pull away from Ajay to talk in private.

"What the hell are you thinking?" asks Sam.

"You heard the guy-Bobby's in Hell. We're gonna spring him."

"We've gone over this, Dean. I have to do the trials solo."

"This is Bobby we're talking about, Sam. Now let's face it-you have not exactly been up to full speed lately, okay? We got one shot at this. We can't miss."

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