Part 2 - Max

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I don't go into life with a plan, I roll with whatever comes my way and deal with it the best that I can. I do whatever I have to in order to stay alive.

I just didn't think that one day I would tangle myself in such a huge, complicated, weird mess.

Now, I've adapted. My past still clings to me even as I try to move on. "Natasha" is slowly fading, slowly becoming a distant memory. A ghost. A ghost that I will happily leave behind for what I have now.

**Side note: I do pick song choices when I feel they fit a certain chapter/part. In a way, "Hanging Tree" fits, just how "Chop and Change" fit Part 1 - Natasha.

You'll understand why, readers. I pick/do things for a reason. Remember that.

Also, if you're a little confused as to why the Parts are what they are named, I will explain. Part 1 - Natasha was Max's alias, her street life, her alter ego so that everyone kept out of her past. Part 2 - Max is more of the real her now that she has settled in with the Winchesters.**

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