44.5 "This Is Our Night."

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44.5 "This Is Our Night."

"Should have invested in another blanket," I pant as I lay on top of him. My head is just over his shoulder, leaning against his. "This one feels buggy."

He's got one of my hands in his. "Eh, it was a last minute thing. I was lucky I grabbed what I did."

"It's the thought that counts, anyway." I pick my head up and peck him on the cheek.

"Hey now," he says as I start to kiss his neck, "this is for you, Max, not me."

"It's for us," I clarify. "Don't make it one-sided, Dean. It takes two to be in a relationship." I swallow, feeling my heart in my throat. "You count as much as I do. You can't tell me anything different."

"So...was it worth the risk?"


"You know what, Max."

"Oh. Well, we're here, aren't we?" I feel blush creep into my face. "I think that's an answer enough."

"And you said you wanted to die a virgin."

"I never said that. You put words in my mouth."

"Agree to disagree."

"That's before I saw the light," I play along dramatically.

"More like that's before you saw me."

I hover over to kiss his face. "You didn't disappoint."

"I never have. I never do." The confidence in his voice makes my heart flutter.

"This is a nice look." My thumb rubs around one of the corners of his mouth.

"What is?"

"This. The smile." And his eyes. Green eyes that look pale from the moonlight. Eyes that shine with something that is far from lust. Something genuine. "You haven't looked like this in a while, have you?"

"Not for a while, no." The smile falters. "You brought it back, Max."

I tilt my head slightly. "I think that's a huge accomplishment. Still, I think a bed would have been better."

"What? Don't like the personal touch?" He frowns slightly.

"No, I do. I'm more of a traditional girl, though."

"Damn," he jokes. "Guess I was wrong about that."

"Not entirely. I do appreciate the personality of it. But...it makes me wonder just how special it really is in here." I wrinkle my nose. "I can't be the first one back here."

"I would be lying to you if I told you that you were." He smirks.

I roll my eyes. He guides my face down so we can kiss again. This guy, the guy who I tried to steal a car from, became something I never expected. And now, here we are, spending a rather wonderful night together.

But the reality suffocates me. And then the worst scenarios possible invade my mind. I pull away and start to hyperventilate.

"Hey, Max, hey," he croons. "Easy, baby girl. What is it?"

I look him dead in the eyes. "What if something goes wrong, Dean? I don't...I've had to fight tooth and nail for so long. I can't—I don't want all that effort to be for nothing."

"Crowley's not gonna get the drop on you."

"This is me we're talking about."

"Yeah, I know that. Whether he sends a hound or a whole pack, it's not gonna matter. We're gonna gear you up, and you're gonna be back home, safe, with your family."

"Right." I exhale. "Okay."

"We don't need to worry about that right now." I lean into him as he kisses my neck, sending a mild throb down it. Fingers slide down my back gingerly. "This is our night. We're not letting anything take this away."

"Right." I sigh. "I'm gonna miss this."

"Max," he groans.

"Sorry. It's just..." He kisses the corner of my mouth. "For the first time, I've found something genuine. And now...soon, I've got to say goodbye to it."

"It's gonna be hard," he admits. "But we're strong people. We'll work through it."

I give him a watery smile. I ruffle his hair. God, it makes him even more desirable.

He laughs deep in his chest. "Sweetheart, bad hair days don't exist for me." His hand finds its way to rest on my heart. His touch has been sending jolts of electricity through my body.

"No, they don't," I agree, feeling my heart race. "Me, that's a different story."

"Nah, I don't buy that. I'm sure a little sex hair makes you look sexier." I sit up, pulling away from Dean. "Playing hard to get again?" I allow him to sit up, with our chests together.

"Nah, I'm just letting you get your way for a while." My eyes twinkle. "You let me have my fun, now it's my turn to let you have yours."

I moan loudly when he adds some tongue into the kiss. My fingers trace down his chest. As he goes in on my neck again, my eyes fall onto the anti-possession tattoo on his left pec. With gentleness, like before, he guides me down onto my back.

Dean only lets me have one hand running around free, the other is up by my head, stuck there by one of his. 

**Okay, okay. Is this short? Absolutely.

But Dax though <3 It's rivaling Sakota very, very hard.**

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