36. "There's Gotta Be a Way Out of This."

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36. "There's Gotta Be a Way Out of This."

We'd shipped Charlie off the following morning. She seemed back to her old self, and she even gave me a hug as a goodbye. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Charlie was the Winchesters' sister they never had. She reminded me nothing of my siblings, but I did get that protective feeling over her. Maybe we'd see each other again, like she'd suggested. Well, you know that's not gonna happen, I'd told myself. You've got a pretty price on your head. Hellhounds are coming for your ass unless you can stop them.

So while we get a temporary break from cases, Sam's condition worsens, and guess whose back out on grocery duty. I insisted that I go anyway, since I need the air. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to figure out how to summon a demon, specifically my contractor. He is the one I need to talk to.

Before I even head out, I rummage through the Impala's trunk and find the flask of holy water. Just in case. With the flask up front with me, I put the car into gear and drive for the store, with the list of items in my pocket.

I need a way out of this. I'm not going to Hell. Dean's got Sam to worry about, I don't want this on his shoulders too. This is my problem.

I almost change the radio station, which would certainly kill me before hounds could. But the song is the only thing that keeps the station alive in the Impala. I roll down the window, making sure to not swerve and hit traffic going the opposite direction. The stereo gets ramped up, and I feel my emotions disappear with the thundering bass and the words. I wonder how often Dean turns up the song in the car and just drowns out his thoughts and Sam's. Music seems to be helping right now.

"Good lord, how can you even think in here?!"

I scream, seeing something out of the corner of my eye. I slam on the brakes, feeling the tight catch from the belt. I'm surprised I'm not cut into pieces from the catch. I turn my head to see no one in the passenger seat. I'm panting and turn down the volume.

"You scare easy, did you know?"

"Fuck," I curse as Crowley appears at the driver's side door. My fingers grip the steering wheel. If I could, I'd rip it out and toss it at his head. "Damn it, Crowley."

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Maxi?"

I park the car and shut it off, just in case. Crowley steps back as I scramble out of the Impala, the flask at my side. "The hell do you want now? I can't even go to the store without you on my ass?"

"What? I can't visit one of my favorite deals?"

"Not when she's driving!"

Crowley nods towards the flask. "Put that away, dearie." I yelp as I feel the flask rip out of my hand. I hear it thump against the car seat behind me.

"Well, it's probably a good thing that you're here." I lean against the Impala. "You and I need to talk business."

"There's no business to talk about."

"I want to make another deal."

"We don't have to make a deal for you to kiss me, darling." He winks.

I wrinkle my nose. "I've had better," I say bitterly.

Crowley isn't amused. "Sorry, Maxi. No exchanges, no replacements."

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