25. "We Need You."

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25. "We Need You."

Our map turns out to be the miniature village in the Morton's basement. I keep an eye on Cas and Meg while Sam and Dean figure out exactly where this crypt is. Though I'm not in the same room as the angel and the demon, I observe them. There's some sort of bond there. It's a weird dynamic that I can't understand. Natural enemies coming together. I don't understand their past.

Meg is the one who catches me watching them, and then I can't escape the questions she asks me. They're all about relationships of course, a bit about my background. I keep most of my life to myself, as I still don't trust her. Just because she's helping us doesn't mean she's earned my trust. She keeps going back to the question of which Winchester I'm sleeping with, and I tell her neither. But I must give something away in my eyes, because she tells me she knows it's one of the two. I don't have to be sleeping with them, I just have to be involved. That'll be a mystery she'll never solve. Actually, there's no mystery to solve. What happened with Dean and me was a fluke, that's all it was. I mean the kiss, not me opening up a little bit to him.

Dean and Sam's find takes us into the night, with our destination being an abandoned warehouse. The five of us stare the old building down. Somewhere, below ground, is what we're looking for.

"So, this is it," says Meg. "Basement?"

"All right," says Dean. "Cas, Max, and I will head in and get our Indiana Jones on. Sam, you stay outside with Meg."

"What?" asks Sam.

"We got this."

"What are you talking about, Dean? I'm not letting you go in there alone."

"Um, excuse me," I but in, "but do Cas and I not count as people?"

"He won't be alone," Cas sides with me.

"That's not what I mean," Sam tells us. "Meg can hang here, watch our backs."

"Oh, what? Now you trust Meg?" Dean asks his brother.

"Hey, I got you this far," Meg says defensively.

"Shut up," Sam, Dean, and I all groan.

"Dean-" Sam tries.

"Sam, I saw your bloody rag in the trash can, okay? Max's seen it too."

"That wasn't-"

"Stop. Just stop. Sam, we don't know what's in there, okay? And you almost let a demon get the best of you back there."

Finally, he's taking action. Not at the best time, but at least it's not a secret anymore.

"Oh, so you'll take Max over me? Max, who's the least experienced."

"Thanks, Sam," I deadpan.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not fine," says Dean. "You haven't been fine since the first trial. That's why I called Cas."

"Trial?" Meg inquires.

"Shut up, Meg," the three of us say.

"Dean, I'm telling you-I'm okay," says Sam. "Max, come on. I'm okay."

"No, you're not." This time it's Cas who speaks. "Sam...You're damaged in ways even I can't heal. Dean and Max are right. You should stay here and protect Meg."

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