One Last Note

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*Rubs hands* So, uh, where to even begin with this final note, am I right?

As usual, let me just shout out to all who contribute to this book's notice: the readers, the people who give feedback, the people who vote and remain loyal with the story until the last author's note. Each of you make me remember every day that I'm doing something right.

And yes, yes, wrong season gif. Maybe should've been more appropriate for You Found Me, since that was season 5...

Max was one of the best characters I've written in a while. To get so enveloped in her story and discover things along the way made me remember why I'm a writer. Her journey, as hard and heartbreaking as it was, was a journey I don't regret. 

I'd like to think, if things were way different, that Max would've probably continued hunting with the Winchesters. Cliche to say that, I know, but it's true. But, in a realistic point of view, I also feel as though Dax would have had a falling out. Something would've broken. If Max had gone on, I'd see her going into Season 10, but then probably meeting a similar fate as she did in this book, only I have a bad, bad feeling I would've let Dean kill her. Damn Mark of Cain...

I'm a sucker for bad, gory endings sometimes. Well, not all stories need to have a happy ending to be a good book.

*clears throat* Anyway, this concludes my second book in my quest to write Supernatural fanfic. 

What's that, you say? Are there any more? Anything new?

If you haven't read You Found Me yet, there's always that. The next new journey in Supernatural fanfic for me is Rogue! (P.S., that's a big hint to go read it, as it's out now.)

As always, it's a pleasure to share my stories with you.

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