12. Kevin

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12. Kevin

Surprise, surprise-we find Sam hitting the books in the bunker's library again.

"What are you reading now?" I pipe.

"Sort of, uh, everything," Sam says absentmindedly. Dean puts the plate on Sam's table. I lean against the end, holding off on a bite though it's killing me inside.

"Oh, good," says Dean. "Somebody's gonna have to dig through all this, and it ain't gonna be me."

Sam picks up the top bun of his burger. "You made these?"

"With a little help," I voice. "Looks good, huh? Be honest, who's looks the best?"

"Um, why?"

"I want to prove a point." I sniff. "Dean believes he's the master burger-builder over there."

"Food is food, Max. Long as it's edible."

I grimace. "Wrong answer, Sam. Try again."

Sam rolls his eyes at me.

"We have a real kitchen now," Dean says.

"I know," Sam tells his brother. "I-I just didn't think you knew what a kitchen was."

I snicker.

"I'm nesting, okay?" Dean says defensively. "Eat."

"Oh, so you're the mother hen, now?" I ask smartly.

Nobody needs to tell me twice. Between Sam and me, we take huge chunks out of our food. I can't help the low, satisfied groan that rises out of my mouth. I swallow, feeling a little peeved at how big Dean's smile is.

"Next time, I want to take a shot at making something," I declare, wiping something off my face. "No help."

"You got to fight for your right to take over as chef, Maxipad."

"Say that again, Dean."

"What are you gonna do?"

"You gave me my shank back," I remind him a bit coldly. "Give me a fair chance to show you what I can do."

"Guys, please," Sam says, exasperated. "If you're gonna argue, go take it in another room, or outside. You two fight just about as much as Dean and I do in a year, Max."

I grudgingly take another bite of my burger. Damn Dean Winchester and his decent food skills.

I cringe as a ringtone sounds off, echoing off the bunker's walls. Dean sighs, pulling out the phone. It continues to ring.

"You're getting that, right?" I ask through a mouthful of food. I know my mother always told me to never do it, but I can't miss the chance to tick Dean off in some way.

"Yo," Dean answers. Way to greet someone. I roll my eyes. "What? Kevin?" My ears perk up at the unfamiliar name. "Kevin?!"

"Something wrong?" asks Sam.


I wrinkle my nose. "Lunchtime over?"

"Your choice, Maxi-"


"If you're coming, you better swallow what's left of that whole." Dean leaves with his plate in hand. Sam gets up to follow his brother, but not before he grabs the plate.

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