40. The Cure

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40. The Cure

"Simon, we're filming," says a voice.

After we get the film set up in the projector and everyone in the same room, we start rolling the video. Prior to this, for some unknown reason, I made us a thing of popcorn. Move night indeed.

"Um, hello, world." A man is on the screen.

"So this new ritual we're going to see. This new type of exorcism, h-how does it work?" A woman is in the picture now, but she looks somehow familiar. I can't imagine why.

"I don't know. It's my first time."

"Wait," Dean says. "Is that Abaddon?"

Holy shit, he's right. It makes total sense now. The face looks different, not menacing in any way. She looks apprehensive, afraid. A total one-eighty from what I remember Abaddon as.

On film, we can hear a woman whimpering.

"It's not killy enough," I say slowly.

"It's got to be the, uh, the chick she possessed," Sam concludes.

Chills run through my body as a woman screams and grunts.

"Hurry," says a new voice. "We must do it now." There's another man in the picture, and judging by his attire, he's a priest.

The film pans to a woman chained down. She looks wild from her appearance to the look in her eyes. I feel like I should leave the room, but something about this keeps me in the chair.

"Dead!" the chained woman screams. "They're all dead! Everyone you ever loved..."

"Hey, those chains look exactly like the ones in our dungeon," Sam points out.

"In your what?" Cas asks, bewildered.

"Demon on a leash," Dean murmurs. "Cool."

The chained woman-demon-continues to scream as though she's being tortured from the inside. Or it's possible that she's screaming in outrage.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus...hanc animam redintegra..." the priest and Simon chant unanimously. "Lustra!"

The screen goes white for a long second, and when the picture comes back, the woman's body is on the floor, unmoving. There's a huge hole where her heart should be.

"She's dead," says pre-Abaddon.

Both men on tape are coughing, we can hear it.

"Where's the demon?" she asks.

"Stop filming," the priest demands.

"What happened?"

"Will you just stop?!"

The projector clicks and ends our film.

I cough. "Well, that was weird...With three exclamation points."

"That wasn't a normal exorcism," says Sam. "They changed the words."

"I believe 'lustra' is Latin for wash or cleanse," Cas adds.

"Oh, yeah, 'cause the most freaky thing was the vocabulary," says Dean. "What about the bloody high five or the chest burster? Anything else on the film, like director's commentary, sequel, maybe?"

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