31. Purgatory (Part 3)

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31. Purgatory (Part 3)

"How far off are we?" I ask, feeling my feet start to ache.

"Not far. Don't go lagging behind now, Max," says Benny, after we all get formal introductions to the vampire. It's still weird, to have an actual monster helping us out. In this case, it's good for us. I'd rather have a vampire for an ally than an enemy. "Don't want you getting stuck anywhere."

"Oh, I'd sooner crawl to keep up than stick around."

"Hey, Benny, listen," Sam cuts in, "I know you saved my brother's ass a few times down here, and I respect that."

That helps things clear a bit. Now I can understand the weird relationship that is Dean and Benny.

"Yeah, and now I'm trying to save yours. You know, I'm a disgrace to my own people. Yeah, this is the spot."

"The seam that gets us back up top?" asks Bobby.


"Is that it?" I ask, pushing through the men to get a good glimpse of a flickering blue portal.

"Yeah, that's it. You remember what I told you?"

"Yeah," Sam says. "All right, Bobby, here it goes. When we get to Earth and I release you, it's an express straight to Heaven. No time for goodbyes."

"Already said goodbye to you once, Sam. Didn't seem to take," says Bobby. "No reason to think I won't see you again somewhere down the road."


"But if they give me a rocking chair up there, I'm raising hell."

I wrinkle my nose as Bobby cuts into his forearm with the demon-killing knife. He hands the knife over to Sam.

"Conjuncti sumus," Sam chants, cutting into his arm, "unum sumus." Bobby and Sam grab wrists, and I watch as Bobby transforms into a stream of red and white light that slips into Sam's arm through the cut. Cool, but gross. "All right. Come on, Benny. It's your turn." He's got the hilt of the knife out. "Hurry up."

"Benny," calls a random voice.

"Son of a bitch," I hiss as we see another group of vampires coming for us.

"And still working with the Winchesters."


"Time for you two to go." Benny pats Sam on the shoulder and gives me a parting nod. He then turns to the new threat and heads for it.

"Benny?" I stammer.

"Go on," he says. "It's me they want. Go on. You just make sure you tell Dean I said goodbye. I was never any good up there anyway."

My mind churns rapidly. He's gonna need some help. "Benny, wait!" He turns, and I chuck him the weapon.

He takes out the closest vampire to him, causing the other two to hone in. Sam grabs me once I realize I'm paying attention to the fight a little longer than I should be. The way up is rocky, and I'm nearly lost twice when I lose my footing. If it wasn't for Sam, I'd be down there, easy vampire meat. I keep looking down to see Benny holding his own. What use would I have for that thing anyway? He needs it more than I ever will.

A gust of wind picks up, we're almost at the portal. Just a few more rocks to climb. The wind is stronger now, practically pulling us to the gate back to Earth. Sam makes sure I don't get lost. Just as we're at the portal, I take one last look.

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