10. A Girl and a Gun

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10. A Girl and a Gun

"What are you snooping around for?"

Dean's voice from the kitchen catches me in my tracks. It's been about a week since we settled into the bunker. Dean's taken position as the chef in the kitchen when Sam and I aren't in there. Nobody objects; his cooking doesn't come to life and try to consume us.

During the week, I was taken clothes shopping (finally). So now, I look less homeless, but I look like a bum. Most of my clothes are loose on me (blame my skeletal body for that one), and I have few tight-fitting outfits. The boys insisted I buy a "costume," and by that I mean like a pantsuit or something nice (for cases purpose only, of course) in case I got roped into one and had no choice in the matter.

I stop at the doorway. "Why are you in here? Taking inventory?"

"Did you already beat me to it?"

"No. I can't reach some of the shelves." I frown slightly. "And I'm beginning to think your brother is living in the library. I don't think he goes to his room at all, or the bathroom. You don't help by bringing food to him either."

"Don't worry, he'll venture out sometime."

"You sure? This place has a lot of supernatural history documented in books and papers and whatever else. He could be there until his hair turns white or grows down to his feet."

"Seriously, Maxipad, where are you heading?"

I blow air out through my nose. "What did I say about the nickname?"

"And what have I said in response to that?" he retorts smartly.

"At least Sam is merciful and doesn't say it." I cross my arms. "As for your previous question, I'm back to exploring."

"No, you're hunting for something. You look like you're on a mission."

"Do you need to know about it?"

"Not really."

"Problem solved."

Though I don't have a map (this bunker seriously needs one), I have been tracing and retracing my steps to the room I want to go in for the past week. It's the one place I know I can utilize, and it's the one place the Winchesters don't know about. I'll let them discover it on their own time. I didn't have enough time to see what the room had in it on my initial investigation inside. That is what today is for.

Even with memory, I still screw up, but it's an easy fix. Soon enough, I find the room and slip in, keeping the door closing silent once I'm through. I flick on the light, exposing the shooting range. I grin.

I take my slow time and examine. There are three targets at the far side of the room, all paper with outlines of body shapes. Naturally, no guns are on the tables for me to unload. I don't know anything about guns anyway. Why would I think to try my luck with something I don't have any knowledge about? Shit. If I want to try this out, that means I gotta borrow a gun from one of the brothers. And I have to do my research. I huff. I didn't think this through very well. I know they've got guns. Maybe I can sneak a few down here and read up...

I know exactly where to look, too.

Now with a new mission in mind, I exit the shooting range and retrace my steps back past the kitchen, where Dean no longer is. My stomach rumbles. I should eat something soon.

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