6. "This Is a Risk I Have To Take."

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6. "This Is a Risk I Have To Take."

I make an irritated hiss through my teeth as I sit up on the couch. Another bad dream. More like another bad memory that's dangling over my head and won't leave me alone. I rub my face with one hand. This has got to stop.

I stretch out, and that's how I realize Henry Winchester isn't on the other end. As I comb my hair with my fingers, I sit up and stretch out my back. I look towards the bathroom. The door's open, and the room is empty. Frowning slightly, I force myself up off the couch and see Sam and Dean are still knocked out in jeans and t-shirts. I tilt my head. It's perhaps the first time they've looked at peace. Sleep looks to make them seem younger too.

I don't call Henry's name in case I wake up the brothers. Something on the table catches my eye: a notepad. I pick it up and almost drop it once I finish reading the message. Well, it explains why Henry is nowhere to be found this morning. I grit my teeth and read the message again. "Fix everything"? How in the hell is he gonna do that? What does that even mean? My head pounds slightly.

I look to Sam and Dean. I groan through my throat. None of us are gonna be happy about this awakening. So, I wake Sam first. I'm not gentle either; I'm pushing on him as hard as I can.

"Sam, get up!" I snarl low in his ear. "Hey, your grandfather decided to leave us hanging! Get the hell up!"

Sam has the audacity to swat at me. A little pissed off, I move onto the next Winchester. This is putting my life in his hands, which terrifies me. But it's worth the risk. If I try and figure out where Henry went on my own, I won't get very far. If I try and it requires taking the car, I'll definitely be shot by Dean.

"Hey, hey!" I shove against Dean's shoulder. "Come on, I'll let Sam get away with this because he's been nice to me, but you-" Just like Sam, Dean swats at me. I drop my mouth open in annoyance. "All right, I bet you if anyone else woke you two up you wouldn't do this."

I debate pulling Dean off the bed by his legs, but I don't think I'm that strong. So I go for the next best option: I hit him on the face with the notepad.

I should have gone for his legs.

I scream as I'm grabbed and hauled over Dean, with his green eyes wide and alert. He's got a forearm against my neck and the other arm has got mine that's holding the notepad hostage.

"The hell?" I squeak in a high voice. "Do you do this every time somebody tries to wake you up?!"

"You brought it on yourself." He squints. "Were you trying to get the keys again?"

"No, dumbass! I hit you with this." I jiggle the notepad in my hand as much as I can. "We have an issue. Your grandfather decided to fly the coop. He's gone, Dean. I woke up, and he wasn't here."

"Crap. Sam, get up!"

From the corner of my eye, I see Sam stir. I roll my eyes.

"What's going on?" he asks through a yawn. "Um...do I even want to ask?"

I turn my head to Sam. "Henry's gone. He left a note saying he was going to fix everything."

"Yeah, or screw it up," Dean mutters.

"Can I not be a hostage now?" I complain. Dean lets me up and first thing heads out the door. I rub my throat as I stare down at the notepad again. Henry Winchester is one sly bastard, sneaking off doing God-knows-what. We have to find him before he does something that will blow up in his face.

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