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"I'm moving." Cam said sitting a gallon milk in the shopping cart.

I looked up at him and froze in place. "What?"

"I mean, that apartment is cool and all but, I think I want a house you know? Somewhere I can raise a family."

"You want kids?" I asked confused.

Me and Cameron never had conversations about our future. I didn't know how far he wanted to take our relationship and I never thought to ask. I never looked at him as a family man. I know he loves his family but I didn't know he wanted to start one or even if it was me that he wanted to start one with.

"Yeah, I do." He said with a small smile. "I always have."

"What about you?"

"What about me?" I countered as I grabbed a loaf of bread checking the expiration date just in case.

"You want kids?" I nodded.

"How many?"

"As many as can fit." I said laughing. He kissed my lips and smiled. "I can work with that."

We made our way to the front and I paid for the groceries before we left back to the apartment.

"Where are you moving? When are you moving? Am I going to see you?"

He started laughing. "Slow down and shut up aight?"

I kissed my teeth. "Don't tell me to shut up."

"Shut up." I glared at him and he smiled.

"So annoying."

"I'm moving about two hours away, I haven't signed all the papers yet. You wanna see it?" I nodded.

"Two hours is so far Cameron.. How is this going to work?" I questioned as we pulled back into the apartments parking garage and made our way back up.

"How's what going to work?"


"Can you just see the place first? We can figure that shit out later." I bit my lip wondering what that even meant?

I sighed and waited for him to open the door. I instantly started putting the food up. I basically lived with Cam but since he was moving I decided to put the goods in my house.

After we were done we went to his apartment to chill. He laid on his bed as I headed straight for the closet. I started going threw his drawers looking for anything that belonged to me.

"What are you doing Kyra?"

"When are you moving?"

"I asked you a question." He said sternly.

"I'm getting my stuff."

"Why?" He said sitting down next to where I was standing. I pulled my shirt from the hanger and folded it sitting it on the ottoman in the middle of his closet.

"Your moving."

"So, what? Look, just come see the place before you start moving shit out if my closet aight? Let's go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door.

"What time is it?"

"6:34, get in." I got in the BMW and put my seat belt on as he pulled out.

Two hours and fifteen minutes later we were pulling into the drive way of a big beautiful house.

It was huge, charcoal grey painted, blue with big beautiful windows and a second floor balcony. There were a few trees decorating the front yard and flowers lined the driveway perfectly. This house was soo... Homey.

Kyra (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now