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"Kaylen, I want to meet my mom."

Kaylen started rattling off about why I shouldn't search for her but I was too far in my own world. I had been thinking about this for weeks but this was the first time I spoke up about it.

Lately it seemed, everywhere I looked I saw a mother, child relationship and if I didn't get myself together I would break down.

Under all of this niceness and whatever facade I put on, there lies anger and the deeper you lurk you find the hurt I feel.

Kaylen has never understood and she never will because she will never be in my position. My father was my mother. My father combed my hair and took me dress shopping when I had a school dance.

My father, this person I'm convinced scared her away. He's why she doesn't love me; why she left me.

"Why are you suddenly so interested in this now? You could have been done this.." Kaylen stressed.

"Because its never been an option. He's guarded me from the the situation my whole life."

She sighed. "What are you going to do?"

"I want to go to Virginia." I blurted out.

Kaylen and I had been sitting in this small cafe in the city for an hour just catching up on things. She had been spending a lot of time with Tj and they were becoming extremely close. It was nice to see her with someone who treats her how she deserves to be treated.

"Oh, you going to see Uncle Michael?"
I shook my head no. "Grandma Rose."

"Your dad's going to be pissed if you go ask grandma." I shrugged.

I could honestly careless what my dad thought. He tore me away from my mother and I had to grow up without her. I want to know where she is; I want to meet her. I want to hug her and tell her that I love her. I want to build a relationship with her that we were never able to establish. I want the same love from my mother that Noni has, that Cam has.

"I don't care. I know Rosie knows; she knows everything."

She nodded. "We'll, I'm coming with, I want to see Rosie too. When do you want to leave?"

"Tonight." I said checking my phone. She looked at me in disbelief. "Ky I can't just drop everything like this. I, unlike you have a job."

"You work on Saturday?" I asked raising one of my brows. "No but-"

"We'll be back on Sunday. Tj won't die."

She chuckled fakely. "Haha, funny. What about Noni?" I scrunched up my face. "What about her?" I said walking out of the cafe.

This isn't Noni's issue.

For the last twenty minutes I had been running back and forth from my closet to my bed putting clothes in my suit case.

It was going on six and my flight leaves at eight. I was trying to get everything packed so I'd have an hour to think about anything I might forget to take with me.

My door bell rang and I scrunched up my face as I walked to go answer it. Kaylen was supposed to meet me at the airport, not come to my house. Knowing her she probably forgot.

I opened the door and Cam smiled. I licked my lips at his appearance and let him in closing the door behind him.

"Sorry, I ain't been over in a few days. This therapy been kicking a nigga ass. They helping me run and shit." I nodded.

He pulled me into a hug and I kissed his chin. "Cam.." I mumbled.

He looked down at me with a cute smile on his face and I blushed. Something about the way he looks at me now makes me feel special. "What's up." He answered smoothing out the back of the shirt I was wearing.

Kyra (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now