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It had been three months since the fight with Cameron and I should have been over him, but I wasn't. I never thought Cam would cheat. I trusted Cam so much and I had no doubts once he told me he loved me, once we moved together, once I met his family. I was still confused but I didn't want to go back to him. I didn't have time for an unfaithful person in my life.

He had never told me about Chanel. He'd never told me about any of his ex girlfriends for that matter, and I wasnt the type to worry about them or go digging for anything. She was right under my nose and I didnt even know it. It made me wonder if she knew the whole time, or if she just saw him when he came home that night.

At first my instinct was to go home for a while, meaning back to Virginia, but I can't run from my problems. Then, at the same time, I was still running. I still had clothes and other stuff I owned at Cam's house that I really needed to go get.

I didn't want to see him. I've been staying with Trey in Miami and he's welcomed me with open arms. A good thing came from a bad situation. Me and Trey were close again. He was over me and actually had a girl he was talking to. He had no feelings for me anymore.

He tried to give me advice about Cam but he couldn't because he doesn't like Cam He couldn't be neutral like my father had been when I told him.

My father actually thought we needed to sit down and talk. I told him I would do it when I touched back down in Florida, but for now, it was me time. I needed to get away from the situation and the environment of it before it drove me insane.


Me, Noni and Kaylen stepped off the plane and awed. Los Angeles wasn't like Miami. It was definitely hotter down in Florida, not by much though.

I fixed my shorts and grabbed my bags off of the conveyor belt. Me and Noni Had found or stuff but Kaylen hadnt so she was stalking the machine till her luggage found its way out and once she got them, we were on our way.

We caught a cab to a hotel and we got one room with two beds. Me and my sister loved sleeping together when I came home so we both didn't mind. It was something we had did since we were younger.

Noni had just graduated so I promised her we'd fly out to California.

She's always wanted to come and me and Kaylen had never been either so we decided to go. I really wanted Noni to enjoy herself while we were out here because shes never really been out of Virginia besides college campus trips and those were strictly business. No time to sight see really.

Noni plopped on the bed. "Damn, this is a nice bed." She said closing her eyes.

I jumped on to of her and we started wrestling which resulted with the both of us on the floor laughing.

"Let's go somewhere. We have three days here and no time to waste." Kaylen said hopping off the bed and dragging us out of the room.

"We need to find a rental car. I'm not about to be wasting fifty dollars on cabs every day, that's dead." Noni said flipping her long black hair.

We got ready and headed out. We went to a few malls and went shopping. The shopping scene and environment out here was different and it was amazing how many clothing company's were coming up in LA.

It felt very surfer-ish? People wore swimming suits like outfits and walked around shirtless. I hated when men wore thong flip flops. I thought it was so weird.

We walked in a random store and started skimming through racks of clothes picking out cute items and showing them to each other for approval. We were being such girls and I was loving every minute of it.

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