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I woke up the next morning and sat up on 'Freckles' bed. He was still knocked out next to me so I took the opportunity to get showered and dressed before he woke up.

I walked into his bathroom and pulled the clothes from my body. I turned the shower on and stepped in as the steam started to rise. I felt my hair slowly start to become curly and I groaned.

I hated having curly hair and my hair never stayed straight long. Not as long as I wanted at least.

I rinsed the soap from my skin and stepped out wrapping myself in a towel.

Once I was dressed, I combed the curls out of my hair best as I could and pulled my hair up into a bun.

I slipped my feet into my sandals and walked over to the bed. I shook Freckles a little and he groaned turning over.

"Cam, get up. Your appointment is at seven." He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

It was so early, the sky was still dark. And the moon was just disappearing into the morning. I never get up this early, and the shower didn't help with waking me up this morning.

He got up and got dressed as I sat on his bed, checking text messages and calls.

He walked out the bathroom with his jeans on and looked at me briefly before going back into his closet.

I grabbed my car keys and lead him down the hall and out the front door. We walked down the brightly lit hallway and entered the elevator.

I stared up at him dead to the world. I don't know why I agreed to take him. Why does his appointment have to be so early?

"You gone be cool to drive? I can go wake my mom up."

I nodded. "I'm just a little tired."

I opened the passenger door of my car and Freckles handed me his crutches. I slid them in the back seat and got in the front.

"Seat belt.." I mumbled

He scrunched his face and looked at me. He tended to do that when I said something he didn't like.

I don't like driving without seat belts; it makes me nervous.


"Seat belt. Put it on."

He kissed his teeth. "No, let's go."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm not moving my car a inch until I hear that click. That annoying ass warning will keep going off and then I'm going to whine. Do you want me to whine Freckles?"

He groaned and pulled the seat belt across his body. I clapped and put the car into gear.

"Happy?" He said sarcastically.

"Elated." I shot back.


We sat in the waiting room at the hospital waiting for him to get called back. It was so vacant to the point where there was only one patient here besides us.

"Why is your appointment so early?"

He sighed. "Last time I came, I got bombarded by fans so my doctor made it earlier. " I nodded.

"It's early as hell though..." I mumbled.

He groaned. "Do you ever shut up? Shut up."

"Cam, you shut the fuck up. Your not the boss of me."

"How about you sleep on the floor tonight then." I rolled my eyes and sat back in the uncomfortable chair I was sitting in. Hospitals were so cheap to have so much money. They could afford better chairs.

Kyra (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now