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It was pouring down raining to match my mood and it didn't help that I was crying. My vison was blurred, and felt it was best if I pulled over. So here I sat on the side of the expressway, with no idea where the hell I was headed and a broken heart.

I know a lot of people might say I was lucky it didn't go farther then it did and that maybe I was overreacting, but I wasn't. No matter what the circumstance and the amount that was done. It was still cheating at the end of the day.

My boyfriend shouldn't have been kissing another female. That's cheating no matter how you flip it.

I put so much trust into Cameron. You would never catch me accusing him of much. I let the Leah situation go because when it came down to it, he never entertained her.

This? This was a whole different page in a completely different book.

Chanel was the last girl Cam was in a relationship with. The last girl he had fallen in love with before me. A girl that he still had feelings for and as much as he tried to prove they weren't there and as mush as I wished they had evaporated, they hadn't and it was clean across his face that whatever they had, wasn't a closed chapter in his heart. I refuse to be the monkey in the middle of that.

I rested my arms on my steering wheel and broke down completely.


I picked up a vase and chucked it across the room at a bare wall causing it to shatter against the floor. I started throwing everything in reach. My knuckles were leaking from punching the wall and my head was hurting from me downing any liquor I could find.

Kyra had gotten rid of a lot of it when we moved in.

I had been sitting with my back against the foot of the couch, a bottle in one hand, a blunt in the other. Nothing was going right for me so right now I was in a fuck it type of mood.

My door opened and Cody walked in with Austin behind him. He yanked me up from the floor and pushed me into the couch.

"What the fuck!"

"Get the fuck up! You look pathetic nigga."

I covered my ears at the volume of his voice and squinted up at him. "Get the fuck out man.."

"Pops called me and told me to come pick yo ass up off the floor cause he knew Kyra would leave yo ass when she found out you fucked up with that snake bitch!"

"Get the fuck off me!" I shouted pulling from his grip. "Fuck her."

"Man, Kyra would do anything for you man! Fuck is wrong with you! Go fight for her! Stop being a bitch."

I glared at him and shoved his body hard into the wall. "She don't want shit to do with me!"



"Fight!" He yelled pushing me hard.

Austin just stood there watching the scene unfold. I know he ain't want to be here. He was probably forced. I'll beat Austin's ass and he's aware. Now Cody? He wasn't scared of shit. Me and Cody could go toe to toe for rounds.

"Leave that bitch alone Cam. Mama don't like her that should tell you enough. Look, Kyra loves you. Make it right man. She's gone give up on you, but she hasn't. Show her why she shouldn't. She called Mama and her cousin crying." He said letting my shirt go and pushing me back causing me to stumble back. "Sober up and go talk her. Find her and apologize, make sure she hears you."

Kyra (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now