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It had been going on for a while and I was tired. I had expected this at the dinner, but not here. The doctor told me that when I got tired, to try and sleep in between the contractions but there was no way I could possibly do that at the moment.

My eyelids hung extremely low as I watched the scene unfold in front of me. Cam kept his arms wrapped against me as I laid my head on his chest comfortably. I could fall asleep right there in the comfort of his arms but there was too much happening.

"Michael, don't raise your voice at me." My mom said calmly. Kyrie had reached up and held her hand.

He looked scared and it was pissing me off that they were arguing at the wrong time.

"No, you need to leave Lauren!"

"Why? Why do I need to leave? She wants me here."

"This moment, this day, it's for family! You are NOT a part of this family. You will never be a part of it."

I frowned. "Dad-"

"No! Kyra how could you invite her here?!"

"She's my mother! What's wrong with you?" I asked in disbelief. "It's my life, my choice."

"That's my grandchild too! That's my daughter too!"

"Ky, come here." I said waving him over. He ran to me and I wrapped him in my arms, kissing his head. I slid Cam's beats over his head and handed him his game.

Cam's family probably thought mine was a freak show. My mom and my dad have this hate for each other that is so unreal. Well at least my father does. Lauren would have talked it out with him. It's so childish and the problem is old now. If I can forgive her, so can he. He needs to dig deep.

I shook my head and sighed. "Cam, I'm so tired..." I groaned.

He nodded and helped me lay back in the bed with Kyrie but the second I did, I started screaming. Cam immediately helped me back up as Anna placed a rag over my head.

"How much is that?"

Cam looked at his watch. "10" She nodded. Anna rubbed my back as I screamed but nothing was helping. It literally felt like something was eating at my flesh.

The nurse came in and grabbed my arm. "We need you to stand up." I shook my head no as tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall. They put me on my feet, and I tried to bend over.

Cam wiped my face off, sweat and tears adorned my skin and I was tired.

My dad stood in shock as my mom helped Cam. "They need you to walk around Kyra, you're so close." My mom said running her hands through my hair.

"Don't touch her." My dad muttered.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

Cam looked up. "Are you two serious?" He asked in disbelief.

"It's not the time for this! Why are you arguing right now? I don't give a damn about whatever you got going on but take it outside." He grumbled.

"This is about your grandson! This is about Kyra and you're stressing her out. Look at her." They all glanced at me as I continued to belt out in pain.

The doctor walked in and helped them sit me back on the bed. My chest heaved as they lifted my legs up.

He placed something inside of me and Cam frowned making me laugh through my pain along with everyone else. "Yo, what you doing man?"

"She's almost ready.." He said with a smile. He walked out and Cam shook his head. "Hell naw, you need a female doctor."

I laughed as the pain started to go away. "He's just doing his job." He kissed his teeth.

Kyra (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now