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When I woke up, the bright white of the room gave me an instant headache. I had never understood why hospitals had so much white. No one likes white that damn much. I was freezing and instantly worried. My first instinct was to grab my belly. I let out a breath as I still felt big and full.

I hadn't lost my son... Thank god.

The door opened and the doctor walked in, "Great, you're awake." He said smiling.

"Where is Cam?" I asked starting to panic. I didn't like being alone in the hospital.

"I'm right here." He said walking in behind with Anna, and Ariel.

I let out a breath as he kissed my forehead and cupped my face in his hands. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Cam, watch your mouth." Anna warned.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled. "It's fine, just next time, if anything happens, call me. Don't wait for me to come home." I nodded.

"So, what's wrong with me?"

Cam sat on the edge of the bed as Arie and Anna gave me hugs and kisses. I wonder when Arie got here.

The doctor cleared his throat. "We think there's a chance you may have the baby a little early."

"That's why I'm bleeding? I'm in labor?" He shook his head no as Cam grabbed my hand.

"Not in labor, we think your body is trying to have the baby and it's not ready. Have you ever heard of placental abruption?" I shook my head no,

"It's when the placenta detaches from the uterine wall during or before labor. Our issue is that you're only twenty-two weeks. The baby is not formed enough for you to have it. If it comes now, there's an eighty nine percent chance it won't survive and then if it does, there's a chance it will have a birth defect or be challenged."

I sighed a nodded. "So, what do we do from here?"

"We haven't settled on what's wrong with you because your clearly not in labor. We want to look over it a bit. We also think you're bleeding because the baby will be a preemie. Sometimes the body will send signs. That, we won't worry about too much. We will just have to take the necessary steps to prevent it."

I nodded. "Do I have to stay here?"

He shook his head no. "You can leave."

"If this happens again come back in. We will call you if anything new comes up." He said before walking out as a nurse came in.

"Here are your discharge papers." She said handing them over to Cam. He filled them out before handing it back and helping me into the bathroom.

He slid my yoga pants on as I slipped my shirt over my head. He sighed and kissed my stomach, something that he always did, something that calmed me down and made me feel good. Something I never objected to.

"You ready to go?" I nodded and he helped me into my boots.

"Aight mama, thanks for coming he said kissing his mom. She waved him off and pulled me into a hug. "Take care of my baby." She said looking up at Cam.

He nodded and grabbed my hand as we made our way back to my condo.


"Chase?" I asked. He nodded and wrote it into our baby book. "George?" I smacked his head.

"What the hell? No way." He laughed.

"What about Joshua?" I smiled and nodded. "I love that." I mumbled.

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