Chapter 7

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Zoe's POV.
~1 week later~
I just got all my stuff moved into my room at the landis'
Garrett's been acting weird lately,he's been in his room a lot so I've been hanging out with Grant and Grayson.
I walk to Garrett's room and knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's Zoe"
"Come in"
I walk into Garrett's room and sit down on the bed next to him
"Hey Zo"
"Garrett is there something wrong?"
"No why'd you think there was something wrong?"
"You've been acting...different"
"You've been like off in your little world the past few days"
"I've just been thinking about some stuff"
"Okay,but if there is ever something wrong you know you can talk to me right?"
"Yes,and if there's ever anything wrong you can talk to me too"
I smile at him and hug him he hugs back
             ~later that day~
Garrett's POV.
Dude what's going on between you and Zoe? Asks my friend Zech
Nothing's going on we're just friends I say looking down
Garrett come on! You and I both know you like her he says

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