chapter 61

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Zoe's POV.
"So whats happening in here?" Grant says

"we're just working on our project." I say awkwardly

"why were you faces so close" Grant asks suspiciously

"He had something in his eye" I say nervously

"Mmhmm okay.." Grant says and walks out of the kitchen

what even was gonna happen? Was he gonna kiss me? I'm glad Grant stopped anything from happening. I've messed up my relationship with Garrett enough and I don't want to mess it up again. I just don't understand why our relationship keeps almost getting messed up. Why do i always end up liking most of the guys I meet. First Logan, then that thing with Grant happened, and now Ryan.
"Hey Zoe I think I should go.." Ryan says
"Okay Ryan see you at school tomorrow." I say with a small smile
"Bye Zoe"He says
After Ryan leaves, my phone rings. I see that it's my aunt and I answer it.
"Hey sweetie" she says
"Hey what's up?" I ask
"So I think you should come live with me." she says
"What! Why?" I screech
"I know that you're dating Garrett and I don't think it's good for you guys to live in the same house" she says
At this point I'm really mad. I don't care what she says I'm not leaving Joplin.
"What the heck. Garrett and I have always been close and just because we're dating doesn't mean we're gonna do anything" I say angrily
I hang up on her.   I'm so upset I feel like crying,screaming, and everything else.
"Hey are you ready to go?" Grant ask
"Where?" I ask
"Garretts soccer practice" he says raising his eyebrows.
"Oh yeah" I say and look down.
After we get there I literally just want to cry.
"What's wrong? I this about what ever the heck happened with that Ryan guy?" Grant asks
"No" I say
"What is it?" He asks concerned
"My aunt wants me to go live with her because I'm dating Garrett and she thinks something is gonna happen" I say after I finish saying it a couple years run down my face and Grant wipes them away with his thumbs.
Then he hugs me and I burry my head in his chest.
"It'll be fine Zoe, you guys make it though everything. You can make it through this too" Grant Says

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