Chapter 8

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Garrett's POV.
Okay yeah I like Zoe and I have for a while now I haven't told anyone except Zech. If Grant finds out that I like her I don't know what'll happen. I know he likes  her but she likes me. ☺️ I bet your wondering how I know, well let's just say she kinda makes it obvious which is a good thing I guess.
It's a good thing because I know if I ask her out I probably, hopefully won't get rejected. All I know right now is I like her, she likes me, and Grant likes her,
And that if I do ask her out and she says yes well then Grant would hate me. I mean there's a million other girls that are in love with him. So why does he like Zoe I mean he said it himself he doesn't want to date someone my age, yet he likes Zoe. I could find another girl for Grant that way he moves on from her, and he won't hate me if I ask her out.

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