Chapter 52

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Grants POV.
"Mario hit her." I say
"Mario did what?!" She yells
"Mom what are we gonna do about this?" I ask
"Well I'm going to tell her parents and then we are gonna stay out of it. I don't want you to get hurt." She says
"Okay but you should tell them when we get back to the hotel."I say
"I will. But you need to promise me that you won't mess with Mario and you'll let them take care of it" she says
"Promise." I say
*next week on Monday at school*
Zoe's POV.
I just got to school and I can't get my freaking locker open. At this point I'm just yanking on the lock.
"Do you need some help with that?" I hear a boys voice.
I turn around and see a guy that I've never seen before.
I tell him my combination and he opens it on the first try.
"Oh my gosh thank you so much." I say
"No problem" he says with a smile
"Do you know where locker 208 is?" He asks
"Right there" I say and point to the locker beside mine
"I'm Ryan by the way" he says
"I'm Zoe" I say with a smile and close my locker and head to class.
"Wait Zoe!" Ryan yells

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