Chapter 21

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Zoe's POV.
Lexi went back to LA, which I'm super sad about.
Grant has a show in St. Louis and we have a 4 day weekend, so we're going to stay in St.Louis for the weekend!
I'm stuck in between Grant and Garrett in the car for 4 hours, it's not as awkward as it could be...thank God!
Me and Grant are good now it's not that awkward in between us anymore. It's never going to be completely not awkward between us.
The show starts at 7:00 tonight, so we're going to go up in the St.Louis arch.
"Are you nervous?" Garrett asked
"A little bit" I said truthfully
"We're here!!" Brandi says cheerfully
"Finally! I need to pee" says Grayson looking very serious

Once we got into the arch and Grayson went to the bathroom we had to get into these elevator things and go to the top (we were inside obviously.)
"Hey look that's Bush Stadium, that's where the Cardinals play!" Garrett says pointing at the baseball stadium

Hey guys sorry this was a filler chapter and it was probably boring. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I've just been busy with school and a lot of other things

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