Chapter 54

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Grant's POV.
I'm walking past Zoe's room and see her all snuggled up with the bear Garrett gave her in 2nd grade. I didn't even know she still had that.
I quietly walk in and snap a picture and I post it on Instagram.
"@zoelove17 with her teddy bear @garrettlandis gave her back in 2nd Grade when she hurt her ankle." I tag Zoe and post it.

Zoe's POV.
I wake up and check my phone 200 comments what the frick!
Most of them say stuff like
"Kill yourself"
"Garretts to good for you"
"She's so ugly why would Garrett ever like her ew"
Okay first off don't tell me to kill myself because you don't like my relationship honestly like wtf.
Grant and Garrett storm into my room and yell
"I already did.." I say looking down
They both rush over to me and sit on each side of me.
"Don't listen to them your the most beautiful girl I know" Garrett says and hugs me.
"Zo I have no idea what I would do without you your the most amazing,beautiful,talented person I know, I love you ... Sis" Grant says
Sis? Well that's new.

Grants POV.
Sis? Where the heck did that come from?
Why did I call her sis?

Garrett's POV.
Maybe he's finally over her.. Hopefully.
She's my girlfriend and best friend.
She's always been my best friend.
I wrap my arm around her shoulders.
"Stay strong Zoe, we will get through this." I say

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