Chapter 65

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Zoe's POV.
Garrett now has a brace on his foot. He broke it and he can't play soccer for another month. It could've been a lot worse though. Grant is having a concert in Joplin soon and we all decided to go. Even Garrett. But maybe he's only going since I'm the opening act for the show. I decided to sing a song I wrote called "Truly, Madly, Deeply". I wrote it for Garrett after everything that happened between me and him.
*the day of the concert*
Grant and I are getting ready for the concert. This is the first time I'm an opening act for anything and I'm really excited.
"Good luck", says Grant, smiling at me.
"Thanks. You too. " I smile back. I slowly walk out and a couple fans cheer. It obviously wasn't like one of those really big concerts. Only about 50 people. I step up to the microphone and take a deep breath. I slowly start singing a couple songs, then my song. After that I was done. Everybody cheered and I smile brightly. I look over to the side and see Grant smiling at me, an obvious blush on his cheeks. What is going through his mind?

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