Chapter 64

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Zoe's POV.
Garrett has a soccer game tonight, and we're all going. Including my aunt.
Ever since she's gotten here I haven't had any time alone will Garrett at all. We were watching a movie yesterday and she just came and sat down next to me. I've got to figure out a way to stay in Joplin. 
*skip to soccer game*
Garrett's been on and off the bench a few times, and he just got put back in.
Ryan and Garrett are on the same soccer team which is kinda weird but cool at the same time. "COME ON SKYE!" I yell when Ryan gets the ball.
Ryan kicks the ball to Garrett and Garrett dribbles the ball and kicks the ball into the net, but when he kicks the ball he slips and falls backwards. I see him holding onto his ankle.
The ref blows his whistle and I jog over to his coach "Can I go see if he's okay?" I ask "yeah I guess"
I run over to Garrett.
"Oh my god are you okay?" I ask squatting down next to him.
"I hurt my ankle" he says in pain
Ryan and I help Garrett over to the bench. His coach gives him an ice pack and Garrett and I sit on the bench till the end of the game.
Garrett can't put any pressure on his foot almost at all.
"You need to go to the hospital" Brandi says
We help Garrett get in to car and I sit in the back seat with him.  Grant took Grayson and my aunt back to the house.
*at the hospital*
The sent us all back to a room, the nurse just came in to ask Garrett questions.
Garrett's POV.
"Do you smoke?"the nurse asks
"Nope" I say
"Do you drink?"
"Are you sexually active?"
What do I do? My mom and dad are sitting right there. I think I have to be honest I mean they know when I lie.
This is not gonna end well.
"Um yeah" I say awkwardly I awkwardly look at my parents who are in shock. Then I look over to Zoe who looks about as shocked as my parents. She obviously knew we had sex, she was shocked that I said it infront of my parents.
After the nurse finishes asking questions and leaves the room, my parents went strait to asking questions.
"How long has this been going on?" Mom asks
"It's only happened once" I say
"I don't want you guys to do it again anymore anytime soon." Dad says
"Okay sir" Zoe and I say in unison.
"Please don't tell my aunt, she's already got her mind set on making move to Canada with her because I'm dating Garrett, if she finds out I'm never going to be allowed anywhere near Garrett again."Zoe says upset
"We won't tell her anything." Mom says

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