Chapter 36

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Zoe's POV.
It's Monday... Ugh, I hate Monday's doesn't everyone?
As I walk into school the first person I saw was Logan.
I walk up to him "Hey" I said
"Hey Zoe!" Logan says
"Who's this? His friend says raising his eyebrows
"This is my friend Zoe" he says
"So Logan did you get her back?" I ask
"Yeah, so what's up with you and Garrett?"
"We're back together I think"
Logan was about to respond when Garrett came over
"Hey babe" Garrett says and puts his arm around me completely ignoring Logan
"Hey Garrett" I say with a smile
"Garrett this is Logan, Logan this is my boyfriend Garrett"
Logan's POV.
Boyfriend. Did she mean Boy Friend as in friend that's a boy or her boyfriend boyfriend!...NO that doesn't matter I have Jada I just got her back I can't screw this up again I promised her I wouldn't and I won't.
"Nice to meet you Garrett" I said
Not that nice but whatever it's the polite the to say
"Nice to meet you too Logan"
Just then the bell rang
"Bye Zoe" I said then walked to class
_-_-_-_-_-_ later that day_-_-_-_-_-
Zoe's POV.
Garrett and I are at the basketball game , "Garrett look" I say pointing to Aaliyah talking to a guy I think his names Mario Selman.
"Why is she talking to Mario?"
"I don't know why you asking me?" I say with a small laugh
"We can't let Grant find out that she's talking to Mario"
"What's so bad about Mario?" I ask
"Grant and him have never gotten along very well"
"WHY MUST EVERYONE SAY YIKES OH MY GOSH" Garrett says annoyed cause Grant says yikes so much it gets supper annoying
"Yikes,yikes,yikes" I say laughing
*Garrett picks Zoe up from behind laughing*
"Gare put me down" I say still laughing
"No thanks" Garrett says then puts me down
"GOALS!" Someone yells I look to see who said it
"Really Logan" I say laughing
I go up to him and playfully hit him on the arm
"She made me do it" Logan says and points to Jada
"Did not" she says
*logan wraps his arm around Jada's waist and Garrett does the same to Zoe*
"See you guys tomorrow" I say and wave by to Jada and Logan
Then Garrett and I walk home with our arms around each other. (Picture above :that's just the way they're walking not the setting)

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