Chapter 69

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Zoe's POV.
•3 days later (Saturday)•
"Hey Zo wake up" Garrett says and while lightly shaking my shoulder
"Whaaaat" I groan and roll over
"I got you breakfast downstairs" he says
I sit up and kiss him softly, before we go downstairs I grab an over sized hoodie just to insure no one other than Garrett,Grant,and I know anything for the time being.
as we were walking out of the room Grayson walks in
"Does mom know?" He asked I freeze he can't be talking about the.. no he can't be.
"What are you talking about Grayson" I say confused
"About the baby?"
I ignore the question and just keep walking. "Zoe, does mom know?!" He asks a little louder.
"Do I know what?" Brandi asks
"About the baby" Grayson says
"GRAYSON" Garrett said with his teeth clenched together.
Brandi's eyes widen
"Garrett we need to talk" she says and walks into the other room Garrett following behind
Brandi's POV.
This can't be right. I have to be misunderstanding this whole thing. Zoe can't be pregnant.shes 15. Garretts 15. I can't be a grandma.

Garretts POV.
"Garrett what do I not know" my mom asked sternly
"You might want to sit down" we sit down on the couch.. here goes nothing. I sigh.
"Mom.. Zoe's pregnant" I say
I can see the disappointment in her eyes
She stands up and walks away.
I start to cry.

Zoe's POV.
"Zoe let's go to your room and talk" Brandi says
I know Garrett told her.
We go to my room and sit down on the bed. I start crying
"I'm sorry Brandi, I've ruined Garretts future, my future, I don't know what to do. I'm just so sorry" I sob
She gives me a side hug.
"It's not gonna be easy. I'll support your decision, what do you think you're gonna do?" She says mostly calm (I can tell it's a fake calm she's just trying to stay as calm as possible)
"I think I want to keep the baby, I know it's not gonna be easy but I can't kill the baby and it would be so hard to give it up for adoption" I sigh
"I don't know how I'm gonna tell my aunt" I say
Brandi gives me one last hug and leaves the room.

I go walk into garretts room and see him on his phone.
"Garrett how are we gonna tell my aunt? She's gonna kill us." I say
"we'll maybe go out to dinner and tell her so that she can't freak out as bad?" He says shrugging
I'm so stressed about telling her.shes going to be so disappointed in me. Also she's already been trying to get me to go back to Canada with her so she's most likely gonna force me to go with her.
I pull out my phone and start to text her

"We need to go to dinner tonight, there's something I need to tell you" I press send
"Meet me at Monique's at 7" she says

"Garrett I love you no matter what happens"
"I love you too Zoe"
He grabs my hand and we walk into the restaurant

We go and sit down at a table across from her and she gives me a look like 'why is he here'
She doesn't like Garrett she never has. She's always liked Grant better I don't know why.
We all eat and just have slight conversation.

"What did you have to tell me Zoe?"
"Um well.." I stutter
"I'm.. p-pregnant" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek
"I can't believe this. you're coming back with me. we're leaving Friday." She gets up and walks out.

"I can't loose you Zoe, you or our baby, I need you in my life." Garrett says hugging me
"She's not changing her mind. I have to go. We still have 6 days together let's make the most of it"
We pay and walk back to the house.
as we're going inside we could hear arguing, it was Michael and Brandi.
"She can't stay here Brandi, it's too much" he says
Brandi starts to say something but she sees us walking in.
"How'd it go?" She asks
"well I'm moving to Canada, we're leaving Friday."

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