Chapter 66

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Grant's POV.
I'm auditioning for a tv show today. I'm so nervous. I've auditioned for shows before but they've all went under.
My dads going with me because he's my manager.
"Hey dad Zoe just texted me and asked if we could pick her up from practice"
"When?" He asks
"Right now"
"Were super early for the audition and she can just go with us, tell her we'll be there in 5 minutes" he says
Everyone thinks its weird that Zoe and I are still close but it's honestly not, because we've most moved on and we can't be awkward she's lives in my house.
Zoe's POV.
My aunt was supposed to pick me up but she had something to do, so I asked Grant to come get me.
"Hey Zoe"
I turn around to see who it was Logan!
"Oh my gosh Logan!" I haven't talked to him in so long.
"We haven't talked in so long" he says
"I've missed you!" I say
Logan and I literally haven't talked at all this year. We talked for a little while longer,then Grant and Michael got there.
"Who were you talking to?" Michael asks
"My friend Logan" I say
"Haven't heard you talk about him in a while" Grant says
"I haven't talked to him like at all this year" I say
"Okay so Grant has an audition in 10 minutes, so you're gonna have to come with us" Michael says
"Okay that's fine" I say
I wonder what Grants auditioning for.
Once we get there, there are so many people here.

Once it's Grants turn to audition we're some of the last few people here.
I walk into the bathroom and do my business,
🎶 "just say you won't let gooo" 🎶 i sing quietly while washing my hands
"Are you auditioning?" some lady asks me
"No my.. friend is" I say
I couldn't figure out what to call Grant..
"You should audition, you sound really good" she says
"I'll ask if I can" I say
"Good luck" she says and walks out of the bathroom
Should I even ask? I mean I don't want to steal Grants spot or anything.
I walk over and sit by Michael
"I have a question"
"Yes?" He says
"Could I maybe.. audition?" I say nervously
He thinks for a couple seconds
"Yeah I guess"
"Oh my gosh thank you so much" I say and give him side hug.
I walk over to the sign up sheet and write my name Zoe Russett.

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