Chapter 37

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^^thats Mario^^
Aaliyah's POV.
I was walking home with Mario, because he asked if he could walk me home and I guess walking with Mario is better than walking alone. I mean Mario is pretty sexy if I may say so myself, I guess I just miss Grant.

Mario POV.
I walked Aaliyah home once we got to her house I saw who her neighbor was the one and only Grant Landis.
"Thanks for walking me home Mario, I had fun"
"I did too"
I turned to walk away when I heard Aaliyah yell my name
"Here's your hoodie back" she says and hands me my hoodie
"T.thanks" I never studder what the heck is this girl doing to me
Before I knew it I was leaning in
And she was too
We kissed. I felt sparks.
Grant's POV.
I looked out the window waiting for Garrett and Zoe to come back home (I'm not creepy)
Then I turned towards Aaliyah's house and I saw her kissing MARIO SELMAN?! It hurt he was my enemy. And she was my Babygirl. Why does every girl I fall for fall for someone else? I hate it first Zoe and Garrett now Aaliyah and Mario.

Best thing I got (Garrett Landis)Where stories live. Discover now