Chapter 60

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Zoe's POV.
"Hey Brandi can a friend from school come over so we can work on our project?" I ask
"Yeah of course" she says with a smile
I text Ryan and tell him that he can come over.
I go to my room and grab some markers and paper and other supplies we might need.
For our project we had to choose an famous athlete.
I want to do our report thing on Shawn Johnson or Simone Biles. Ryan wants to do Christian Ronaldo or Messi. I was thinking maybe we could do half soccer half gymnastics, but I don't know if he will agree or not.
When I go back to the living room I see Ryan and Garrett talking. Oh God this could be bad.
I hear them talking about Soccer teams and I stop panicking.
Ryan's POV.
I hate this. I like Zoe. Zoe is with Garrett though. So it doesn't matter.
I have been talking to Garrett about who's a better soccer player Ronaldo or Messi. Then Zoe comes into the room and sits next to Garrett. "Hey Ryan lets go to the kitchen and start our project" she said
"Okay." I say
I think Garrett feels threatened by me. I'm not gonna try to take Zoe from him. It's her choice. She would never like me anyways.

We go into the kitchen..
"So I was thinking maybe we could do half Gymnastics half soccer" Zoe says
"Yeah that sounds good" I say
Zoe and I sit next to each other and work on our sides of the poster, I look over at Zoe and she looks at me our faces are literally inches apart when we hear a cough and we like jump apart.
Zoe's POV.
Ryan and I's faces were inches apart them someone coughed and we jumped apart, I look up and see Grant standing in the doorway. Oh God.

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