Chapter 39

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Zoe's POV.
Todays the last day before Christmas break!
Today most of my friends aren't going to be here after 1st hour, so I'm gonna sit with Jada at lunch.
*skip to lunch*
"Why won't Garrett look over here" she says frustrated
"He has his earbuds in" I say laughing
"PABLO" Jada yells (that's Garrett's nickname idek)
"He looked" I say and as soon as Jada looks he looked away
*skip to choir*
Garrett's drawing a Christmas Tree on the whiteboard and he drew a "safety line" so nobody would draw where he was drawing.
Ashlynn kept following him, if he took a step she did too. She was starting to get on my nerves.
"She's literally so annoying" Jada says
"I know like, I like him but I don't freaking follow him"
What the heck everyone is messing up Garrett's drawing. I've never liked Ashlynn.Ever.
~~~a little later, still in choir~~~
"Zoe do you see what Ashlynn wrote?"
"No what did she write?"
"She wrote Garrett's Lame,Mean and rude"
When I look back at Garrett I saw him read what she wrote.
He looked so sad. After he saw it he got his stuff and went to the band room.
"I hate her." Jada says
"I do too Garrett's none of those things"
She hurt him, it hurt me too. I could tell it hurt Jada also.
After Garrett left Ashlynn gave me a dirty look and Jada and I went up to the board and Erased what Ashlynn wrote.

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