Chapter 29 - Fit For An Uprising

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I updated early!

I kinda couldn't wait...Hehe, hope you guys don't mind.

400 votes for the next chapter? Do you think you guys could try that? It would be AMAZING (as I'd love to try and get this novel back in the fanfiction charts!)xo

I hope you all enjoy the chapter! Thanks for all of the amazing comments on the last one. 

You guys are utterly amazing.

The best readers ever.

Enjoy :)

xoxo Andrea

Chapter 29.

The next day...

"Holy moly!" I gasp as an arrow shoots past me.

That was way too close for comfort.

"These Katniss Everdeen impersonators are seriously getting on my nerves!" Dale complains, walking over to a nearby tree and pulling out the arrow embedded in it.

It's quite early in the morning, and Dale and I have begun our trek.

We spent the last night packing and preparing for our breakout mission, before getting some good sleep. And now here we are, walking through the dense forest surrounding District R.

Malina wasn't too happy when I told her Dale and I were leaving for the day...I didn't exactly mention that we would be gone for much longer than a day. I don't want anyone to know about our plan, it'll mean an increased chance of us getting caught. Especially since my little sister probably would use the information to get revenge on me.

My mother probably doesn't care, she's quite an easy going parent. As long as I'm not starting a war, she doesn't really mind what I do...

Oh wait, maybe she does mind.


Never mind.

My backpack is already digging into my shoulders and I've only been trekking for an hour. I guess I didn't pack very lightly after all.

Between the two of us, Dale and I have enough food to last for a couple of days. And then on top of that I've packed:

One extra pair of shoes, a raincoat, warm coat, swimming togs, hairbrush, toothbrush & toothpaste, toiletries, a couple of extra changes of clothing, my phone & charger, a map, compass, sunglasses and a few extra bits and bobs.

Hopefully Dale and I will have made it to another District later today and then we'll be able to get more food.

Yeah, I don't really know how it's going to work, I didn't exactly plan this in advance. I just need to get to the Capitol, before it's too late.

So, Dale and I have spent the last hour narrowly missing out on getting impaled by arrows and getting caught in snares. That's my day so far.

"Dale, why do you keep grabbing the arrows that try to hit us?" I ask, jumping over a dead branch.

He shrugs, "Maybe they'll come in handy...If we can find a bow."

I raise my eyebrows, "Even if we find a bow, neither of us can use one."

He shrugs, "I'm sure we'll pick it up if we have to."

"Hah!" I laugh, "So, you want me to shoot President Frost? I'm not Katniss, I'm Jayson. I'd probably use weapon that'll still work if I'm not a perfect shot."

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