New Digs.

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     London couldn't be further from my old home in Chicago and it couldn't be more different. But I needed far and I needed different.
     When things with Robert ended, because I found him in bed with my friend Melissa, I knew I needed to leave. He was the only thing holding me there and with him gone, an escape was finally possible.
     "Did you really have to go that far, Sadie? I mean really? Miami is far away. Los Angeles is far away. London is across a freaking ocean!" My best friend Arnez yells at me through the phone. She's a bit pissed at me, but she'll forgive me. "Well, I like the accent," is all I say in response. "You'll like my new digs when you come visit! You'll have your own rooooooom," I sing to her. She laughs and says she'll come soon.
     We hang up, her having to head to work and me having to ... well I have nothing I really need to do. I've been here a week, setting up the apartment and unpacking. I didn't have many things with Robert, he owned everything, so I bought most of my belongings when I got here. I had a good job at home in Chicago, and with the way Robert was, I didn't have to pay for anything. I always thought it a blessing until he used that to try and convince me to stay, even though he was fucking Melissa, the ugliest of my friends I must say.
     I should look for work, something to keep my mind off of things. But I want to feel more settled in my new neighborhood before then. Wanting to get acquainted, I do what feels most natural to me. I grab my camera and head out.
     I like taking pictures of people the best. But I've found that people act differently when there's a camera pointed at them. I head to where there's people, a park not far from my apartment. I find a bench in the midst of the foot traffic and aim my camera at people who pass by. Nobody notices, as usual, and I spend hours taking pictures of strangers. It sounds a lot creepier than it is.
     I head home, stopping at a cafe on the corner of my street to grab some dinner. I love cooking, but cooking for one simply doesn't do it for me. It's lonely.
     I spend time in bed, looking at things online to help in my job hunt. I don't really want to work in a field like my old job, so I look for people hiring photographers. I email one, and they come back with an interview for this coming Thursday. I head to bed, planning out my portfolio in my head and hoping it will be good enough.
     The last few days have dragged, me spending all my time alone. Arnez has called a few times, reminding me that I'm welcome to return at any time. But I'm determined. I'll make it work for myself here, I just have to be patient.
     My interview is in a couple hours and I've spent the last four hours perfecting my portfolio. I've included pictures from home. Arnez has a three year old, and I spent much of my time photographing her. From first visible baby bump, to Daisy's third birthday, I was there. With my camera, for it all. I use a few from the pregnancy shoot in my portfolio.
     I printed some of the photos from my afternoon at the park and include those as well. They're different than my norm, but I include them hoping it'll show my scope and ability.
     I take a cab to the interview, not realizing the office was so close to me. I'm greeted by a woman who directs me to an office in the back. The plaque on the door says "Samantha" and that's who I had been emailing with.
     I knock lightly, waiting to be let in. The door opens and I'm met with a tall blonde woman who smiles at me. "Welcome, come in." I shake her hand and follow her in. She directs me to sit, moving to sit on the other side of the desk.
     "So, Sadie. Based on your emails, I am excited to see your work. May I?" She asks, reaching for my portfolio. "Yes, go for it." I sit, playing with my fingers, while she looks through, pausing at certain pictures. I try to read her face, but I'm either really bad at it or she has a killer poker face.
     "These are incredible, Sadie. Really. The best pictures I've seen in a very long time. How long have you been doing this?" I smile, overcome by her words. "Well I first picked up a camera at age thirteen. Something to keep myself busy. I realized I was maybe better at it than some when I was in high school and started to take the pictures for the yearbook. In college I spent a lot of time with my camera, but I never used it as a career. Moving to London, I decided to try." She nods along to my story. "You're very talented. I'd like to offer you a job."
     "I would love that, thank you." She explains the job and the details and I leave, thanking her and agreeing to start on Monday. I decide to walk home, calling Arnez on the way.
     "Hey skank, guess who got herself a job!" She laughs, "well I'm guessing you did, bitch.  So tell me about it!"
     "It's a photography job!" She squeals, "are you serious? That's amazing!" I giggle, "it is! I work for a company that contracts photographers. Basically I'll be paid a set fee for the week, I believe she said £350, and they assign me to jobs. But she said if I make a good impression on clients and they request me, then I'm paid more per week plus a fee for the job!" I tell her all about it, explaining the things Samantha explained to me.
     "That sounds incredible Sadie! I'm so happy for you. It's perfect." We talk for awhile, agreeing to plan her first visit soon, and I head off to the cafe, once again eating my dinner alone. I really need to make some friends here. Hopefully soon. A new job means a lot of opportunity for new friends. I head off to bed, lonely, but hopeful that soon everything will work itself out.

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