Six Months.

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It's been six months since my move to London and I can now say it was the best idea I've ever had. Work has gone phenomenal, I couldn't ask for anything better. It seems I've made a name for myself within the London community and am now requested for jobs more than anyone else in the firm. I walk into work, having nothing on the books for today, when Samantha greets me and calls me to her office.
"Hello this morning, Sadie. How are you?" She's become a friend, and I spend much of my time in the actual office with her. "I'm well, yeah. How are you?" She smiles, "can't complain. So. I have an assignment for you that will launch you even further into the world, if you're up to it." I think for a moment, apprehensive at the the whole world comment she made.
"Well, Sam. What's the job?" She rummages through her desk for a moment, pulling out a large folder. "I'm sure you've heard of these guys, very well known. One has recently left so all of their promo pictures and things are no longer accurate. They've come to us, needing a whole campaign shot again. Calendars, merchandise pictures, promo shots. They need it all. It'll be about a week of your time. But very lucrative and very good for your name." She finishes her speech and looks at me, eyes wide, waiting for my reaction.
"Well okay, I have a week to spare I'm sure. Who are these guys?" She thumbs through the folder before putting a picture down in front of me. "Ah, I recognize these guys. Boyband yeah? Girls stalk them?" Sam laughs, "yes, it's One Direction. They are in fact a boyband, a worldwide known one in fact. And yes, the women, or girls or whatever, freaking love them. Like. It's scary."
I take time to study the picture, looking from each guy. They're attractive, very much so. And if they sing as well as they look then us females are in trouble. "When is the job meant to begin?" Sam smiles, knowing I'll accept this job. "It's scheduled to begin on Monday, the boys are currently in Asia and will return this weekend. Monday until Saturday I believe. It's very good money too, I should add." I don't think too long.
"I'd love to do it. Is there a plan of what they're looking for or?" Sam almost squeals she's so happy I've agreed. "Their management will be sending us a general plan, but said the actual set up is up to us. Well, you now. This will do wonders for your career, Sadie. What's on the schedule for the rest of your week?" I fill her in, mentioning I'm doing the BBC Radio 1 website shoot tomorrow and the EastEnders promo shoot on Friday.
     "Sadie, hiring you was the best thing I've ever done. I'm serious," she adds when I scoff. "It's true. You've done amazing. I'm so happy you're here." I want to cry a little bit, finally feeling like I've found my place. "I'm happy to be here, Sam. You've given me more than I could have hoped for." She stands, pulling me into a hug then sends me on my way. I don't have a shoot today, but I figure I can use today to plan out this weeks remaining shoots and study up on One Direction. First thing first, what do these boys sound like?
My weekend passed, a little more eventful than normal. The excitement over the firm and I landing the One Direction campaign sent everyone into a tailspin and Friday ended with a group of us out for drinks. It was fun, spending time together outside of work, but too much attention from one of the set designers Heath had me heading home before the rest of the group. He was nice and all, just a bit too attentive and watched me everywhere I went. I'd have to find a way to deal with that sometime soon.
I spent time on Sunday studying the boys of One Direction. I could now tell you who was who, but that's about it. Well, I've also caught on to the individual styles of the boys, clearly not a band to be styled to match. I like that though, adds interest to a shot.
I was also pleasantly surprised by their music, catchy and well written. I had some playing during my online creep fest and actually found myself bopping along. The boys had talent, no doubt about that. I found myself drawn the most to one of them though, always finding him first in the pictures I looked at. I did some research and it seemed Harry Styles was a bit of a ladies man, who happened to like the occasional older woman. Kudos to him for that.
It was now Monday, the day to meet the boys, and for some reason I spend more time choosing an outfit than normal. These boys are much younger than I am and I think I'm worried they won't take me seriously because of it. I'll be another old person trying to boss them.
I dress in a pair of leather leggings and a loose fitting turquoise blouse. I need room to move comfortably while I work. I don't wear heels to work ever, so I choose my cat flats, hoping it gives me some credit with the younger people. I throw my hair up much as I always do when I'm working, and head to the shoot location.
     The warehouse we planned to use was slightly out of the city, so I take a cab. My camera and equipment will be delivered with our crew so all that needs to show up is me. The ride is fairly quick, spitting me out at my destination. I show my work badge to security at the door and head inside.
     Music is playing, loudly, throughout the whole building. I see separate areas set up for their hair and styling and move past all this to where my crew is stationed.
I notice Samantha enter, followed by someone who is talking and gesturing with their hands. They yell out, and soon four boys come stumbling into the main area. There they are, One Direction. "Sadie! There you are. Come, meet the lads."
I make my way to them, watching as they move. Once again I'm drawn to Harry, I can't seem to help it. "Boys, this will be your photographer, Sadie. Sadie, these are the boys. That's Liam," he shakes my hand. "That's Niall," he shakes my hand. "That's Louis," he ruffles my head, what the fuck. "And that is Harry."
It's like I'm frozen, watching outside my body when Harry takes my hand and kisses it. "Hello gorgeous. Pleasure to meet you." He looks me up and down, "amazing shoes," he smirks at me then wanders off to the rest of the boys. Oh Lord, I'm in trouble.

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