Cooling Off.

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*texts from Sadie will be in italics. Texts from Harry will be in bold.*

I wake up and check my phone, slightly sad to see Harry hasn't texted me. I get ready for work, going about my routine as usual. I'm only scheduled for a half day today, just putting finishing touches on the shoot Heath and I finished yesterday. I arrive early, hoping to finish early and go home to be alone. My mood is down but hopefully that won't affect my work.
Heath shows up shortly after me, coming up and sitting beside me. "Sadie, I just want to say sorry for the past couple days. I really shouldn't have said those things." I'm surprised he's apologizing, especially since I think he's right.
"Don't apologize, Heath. It's fine. Really." He looks at me, not believing me, but nods anyways. We get to work, not needing the rest of the crew for this part and make a short day for ourselves. It's only 11 when we finish and I head off back to home. My phone rings and it's Harry. I decide to be an adult and answer.
"Hi Harry. How are you?" He sighs, "really Sadie? That's all I get? You've been ignoring me." I know he's right, but I feel I need to play stupid. "I haven't been, Harry. I've just been busy."
He's quiet for a minute, "go out with me, Sadie. Let's do dinner tonight. Please." I want to say yes, but then I hear Heath's words in my mind and just can't. "Harry, I'm tired. Maybe some other time?" He lets out a groan. "I don't know what's going on, Sadie. Talk to me. Why are you doing this?"
"It's just a bad time, Harry. Nothing is going on." He sighs again, clearly annoyed with me. "Whatever Sadie. I'll talk to you later I guess," and he hangs up on me. I know I'm wrong, and I know I've made a mistake, but I need to eat before I can fix it.
Harry. Want to come over? I've ordered take out...
Yeah, sure, Sadie. I'll be there in a few.
Alright. See you soon.
The Chinese arrives before Harry, so I keep it warm in the oven. There's a knock on the door and soon Harry enters, finding me in the kitchen. He walks to me and hugs me, squeezing me tightly and kissing my head.
"Hi babe. I missed you." I nod, moving away to get the food. "Are you hungry, Harry?" He nods, watching me, as I prepare plates for us and carry them to my living room. We eat in awkward silence, a small space between us. We finish and I take our plates, returning to sit with Harry.
"Sadie," he grabs my hand, "please talk to me. What's going on? We've been having so much fun together. And now you just seem... uninterested." He looks at me sadly, begging me to explain. I rub his hand with my thumb, looking at our joined hands.
"I'm too old for you, Harry..." I refuse to look at him, instead focusing on our hands. "What the hell are you talking about Sadie? I thought I already said you're perfect to me?" I shake my head, "I'm not perfect Harry. Not for you. You're young, you should have someone young like you."
He moves a hand to turn my face to his, looking at me sadly. "Why are you saying this?" I look away again, my heart hurting over this. I decide to tell Harry about Heath.
"Well after we went to that party and the pictures of us leaving came out, a guy at work was kind of hassling me about it." Harry instantly looks mad. "What did he say?" I breathe for a moment. "He asked me on a date and when I said no, made a comment about me saying yes to a kid but no to him." Harry is furious. "And he said he doesn't know what we want with each other, wondering why you would want to be with me. And I guess it got to me, had me wondering. You're you, Harry. You could have anyone you wanted. I'm older than you, by a lot. It doesn't make sense."
     I look to Harry whose eyes soften to me. "Baby, listen to me. Why would I not want to be with you? You're incredible. You're ambitious and know what you want. You're beautiful and classy and carry yourself like a grown woman. You're established in your life and I know you could take care of yourself. But I want to take care of you. I like you, Sadie. I have from the moment I saw you in those ridiculous cat shoes." He smiles at me, my eyes feeling wet from tears.
     I let him pull me into his lap and accept the kiss he presses to my mouth. "Can you please stop using age as a thing with me? For gods sake we went to Steve's party. He's your age. Cal is your age. Lou is your age. I've always surrounded myself with older people. I relate better." He smiles at me, his dimples showing, and I sigh from the weight of how much I've missed him.
"Be with me, gorgeous. Like an us, for real. Please?" I want to, but I'm still holding back. "Harry..." He shuts me up with a kiss, moving me to lay on my back, his weight above me. His hands skim my side, moving down to my center. I rock my hips into him, giving him the go ahead.
Harry moves himself so he can strip me down, moving quickly so he can then remove his clothes before laying down onto me again. "I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you," Harry whispers to me, covering himself before pushing in. "Ohh Harry," he feels incredible and I would probably agree to anything in this moment.
He rocks into me, our hands connected above my head. His sweat drips onto my chest as he hovers above me. "See, Sadie. You're perfect. We're perfect." He leans down and kisses me while hitching one leg up closer to my body. "We are perfect for each other. Let me prove it to you," he says with a hard thrust that forces a long moan from me. "Harry, don't stop. You feel so good." He keeps rocking into me, keeping his pace steady.
"Be with me, Sadie. Please. You can't deny this between us. You've tried and you can't." I nod, knowing there's no point to argue right now. He's right and I know it.
In a few more moments my legs are shaking, I'm panting and clinging to Harry. He thrusts, hard and deep, before kissing me and tensing inside of me. He brushes my hair away, kissing me again and again. "See, Sadie? I don't care how old you are. We're incredible together, we're perfect. I'll prove it to you." I kiss him, holding his sweaty beautiful face between my palms. "Okay Harry. Prove it to me." He smiles, kissing me again before cuddling into me as we drift off to sleep.

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