Wrestling Monkeys.

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Samantha introduces the hand talker as Angie, one member of the boys' management team. We shake hands, hers sweaty and gross feeling. She explains to me that we need individual shots of the boys and then tons of group shots. There will be a lot of outfit changes and backdrop changes, but that's fine with me.
I head over to the areas roped off, wanting to see the activity. In one area, a lady works, putting outfits together that then hang on four different racks, each sporting one of the names of the boys. The other area has two chairs, waiting on the boys to get their hair done. I'm looking around when I feel a tap on my shoulder from behind me and it startles me slightly.
"I'm sorry gorgeous, I didn't mean to scare you," he places his hand on my shoulder, steadying me. "Hi Harry, sorry I jumped." He smiles at me, his dimples becoming visible. "It's alright love. What you up to exactly?" I'm a little embarrassed he caught me snooping around.
"Oh I was just looking. Trying to get a feel for everything. Waiting on you guys!" He laughs, his eyes crinkling a bit. "We had a spot of lunch, but we'll be getting ready soon. Louise will be here soon to tame this mop," he says, running a hand through his long hair. "Your hair already looks nice." His eyes dart to my face when I say this but I quickly look away. I can see him smiling, but he isn't pushing me into conversation. I hear a woman shouting to Harry, who seems to want to stare at me instead of following orders.
"I think you're needed over there Harry, someone is calling for you," he nods, already knowing. "Yes I know, but I'm happier standing here looking at you." His words make me blush, I can feel it. "Go Harry. I'll see you soon. You're first up for individuals right?" He nods, "yes. I'm first. I'll see you soon gorgeous." With that, he walks over to the silver haired woman that's waiting on him.
It's another ninety minutes before we get started shooting. First it was waiting on Harry, who apparently had difficulty choosing a shirt. Then, there was a lighting issue that Heath had to run back to the office for a replacement. We're finally set up, ready to go.
Harry stands in front of me, eyes tracking me as I walk around the areas getting my camera ready. I can feel his eyes on me, making me blush when I have to bend down, ass in his direction. "God damn," I hear muttered from his direction. I ignore it, hoping the blush fades before he sees my face again. I upright myself, camera in hand, and aim it at Harry.
"How do you want me, gorgeous?" He winks at me. "Just do whatever feels natural, Harry. Dance if you want, whatever. I'll just start snapping pics." He nods, moving around like an idiot. He dances, hands above his head, all the while looking at me. I snap pictures, even though he's barely standing still long enough, and laugh at him. All I'm thinking in my head is 'damn this boy is sexy'.
It goes on like this for a few songs, Harry dancing and smiling and winking at me. "Harry, we need to do some straight on ones, okay? Is that alright?" He moves himself around, facing me. "Anything you want, love," he winks again. He barely behaves himself, still winking at me and moving around. I know I'm blushing and I know he can see it, but I don't bother trying to hide it. In no time, I'm done with Harry for the day.
While I'm setting up for Louis, something goes wrong with the equipment, and we're left waiting for a technician. I sit, waiting, eating a small lunch of a chicken wrap. "Hey gorgeous," I hear, the chair next to me being moved around. "Hello Harry. How are you?" I turn to look at him, finding him closer to me than I expected. "I'm great now, sat with you. Enjoying a meal together. My gosh, it's almost as if we're on a date."
I laugh, shaking my head at him. He's flirty, no doubt about that. But he's young, too young, so I don't really feel comfortable flirting back. I have to keep telling myself he's 21, almost ten years younger than me. "Harry, stop." He just looks at me, "stop what?" He looks a bit confused. "Stop flirting with me Harry." He frowns. "I can't, gorgeous. You're too beautiful to not be flirted with." I shake my head, getting up from the table to throw away my trash. "Hey, where you going?"
     I continue walking away, despite Harry's protests, and head off to the bathroom. The technician is done and it's time to shoot Louis. At least I'll be able to concentrate when it's not Harry in my spotlight.
     Where Harry had been a dream to shoot, I'm sure I'm a little biased, Louis was a tiny little Satan. He was simply dressed and stood against the white backdrop. "Louis, just do what feels normal. I'll just snap pictures of whatever you're doing." He nods, then starts to dance. He turns, constantly, barely giving me time to snap. "Louis, can you at least face me?"
     He starts to laugh, "yes, yes okay. I'm so sorry." He faces me watching while I move my camera to aim again. He waits until I'm ready then turns himself sideways, on purpose, so I get his profile. "Damn it, Lou. Listen to the pretty lady," I hear Harry say, sitting down beside my set up. Lou starts to laugh, but listens to Harry, finally making it easy to take his picture.
I feel Harry there by me the whole time, watching me. I'm sure if I looked I'd find his eyes on me. But I focus, trying my hardest to get pictures of Louis acceptable enough for use. Soon, I've had enough and tell Louis he's free. We've run out of time due to delays from today, so I head off to find Angie and explain.
"Angie, this is all we can do for today. There were some issues with equipment. I can do other two boys solos tomorrow so all I need is Liam and Niall. That alright?" She nods, "I'm sorry if the boys were any trouble. It's like wrestling monkeys into cages with these lads." I laugh, agreeing. "It was good though. Should be a good week." She agrees, shaking my hand before walking away.
"Did I hear that correctly? A whole week with you?" It's Harry, stood right behind me. I turn to face him, again thrown off by how close he is. "Yes Harry. All week. But you don't have to come tomorrow, just Liam and Niall." He frowns, "but what if I want to come? So I can see you?" I shake my head again. "Harry, stop it please." I look at him, staring at him while he studies my face. He gives me a small smile, "I'll see you tomorrow gorgeous." He walks away leaving me to watch him go. I feel like a pervert. This is going to be the longest week of my life.

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