Girls Days.

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*texts from Sadie will be in italics. Texts from Harry will be in bold.*

     I'm walking into the house when my phone rings, I answer expecting it to be Harry. "Hello?" It's quiet for a second. "Hi, Sadie? It's Gemma." I'm so shocked I drop my keys. "Oh hey Gemma, what's up?"
     "Well my mum said she's spent some time with you and adores you and I see how happy Harry is. I just, I'm protective and I want to say sorry for how I acted when we met." I am quiet for a moment, thinking of what to say. "It's okay, Gemma. I understand."
      "It's not okay at all. But Harry said you moved into the house. That's awesome. I was wondering if you wanted to, I don't know, have a girls day or something? Just us? Maybe we could shop and do dinner. If you're not busy tomorrow?" I don't take long to think, eager to fit myself into Harry's life. "That sounds fun, Gemma. I'd love to." We make plans to meet at the house tomorrow around noon then decide what we want to do.
Hey, gorgeous. What you doing?
     Sitting in our room, deciding what to wear. I'm going to spend the day with your sister!!
     For real?! That's awesome. Makes me so happy. :) :) :)
     Makes me happy too. I'm excited. I'll call you tonight and let you know how it goes!
     Okay baby. Have fun. I love you! :*
     I love you too!!
I walk to the door, checking my outfit one more time. I know it's only Gemma, but after last time, I want her to like me. She means more to Harry than I ever will and her disapproval might cause trouble for us. I open the door to a smiling Gemma and breathe a small sigh of relief.
     "Hi, Sadie. You look adorable!" She makes her way inside to the kitchen counter. I stand across from her, still feeling awkward but happy with her warm greeting. "So Gemma, what should we do today? Would you like something to drink?" She shakes her head, looking around the room. I wonder if she's looking for my things in Harry's space.
     "Want to just head shopping and see where the day takes us?" I nod, agreeing, and move to grab my things. My special key chain goes into my bag and I lock up as we leave. Gemma offers to drive which is perfect for me. I'm too nervous to drive. "I know a good area with lots of shops. Sound good?"
     "That sounds perfect, Gemma. Lead the way!" She laughs but heads off on the road. We're quiet, but it's not too uncomfortable or awkward. I watch the sights as we drive trying to map where we're going. We end up in a quiet neighborhood with lots of shops, racks of things lining the street. It seems like somewhere Gemma would hang out. "This place looks so cute, Gemma."
     She laughs, "thanks! I come here every once in a while. You know it's a good day when there are racks outside. Come on, let's shop!" So we do.
Hi gorgeous. How's it going?
     Really well Harry!! We shopped, I may or may not have bought some sexy stuff for you (; we're about to have dinner
     Babe!!! You can't tease me like that :(
Now I wanna see them. But I'm glad you're having a good time together. Two of my best girls! :*
     You're home in just a week, so you'll see them soon. Just imagine black lace and little of it
     You're teasing me now, meanie. Go have fun. I'm going to take a long shower. Love you.
     Think of me!! Love you too. Can't wait to see you.
     "So I imagine it's my doofus brother putting that smile on your face?" For a minute there I had forgotten Gemma was even there. "Ha, yes. I'm sorry." She smiles at me, shaking her head slightly. "You don't have to be sorry. I'm glad he has you. He was so down for awhile, lonely. He's much happier now."
     Her words melt my heart, "thank you Gemma. That means a lot to me. I love Harry, I really do." She nods, smiling, "I can see that. Just be patient with him. He's a bit dense sometimes." We both laugh and look over our menu. The night carries on well and soon we're headed back to the house.
     "Sadie, a few of my mates and I are going out this Saturday night, calm pub kind of thing. I was wondering if you'd like to come." She looks at me almost nervously. I quickly agree. "Yeah, Gemma that sounds fun!" She says she'll text me and I head inside. I'm so happy I can barely contain it.
     My mood is sky high for a couple reasons. One is that I'm heading to meet Gemma and her friends, happy that she invited me along. But the big reason is my handsome will be home in just two days! These 5 weeks have flown by, thank god, and he's coming home to me. Nothing can ruin this mood.
     I quickly find the pub, walking in to look for Gemma. She's easy to find, her big bright smile so much like her brother's. I walk to the group, motioning hello to Gemma. "Sadie! Hi! Everyone, meet Sadie, Harry's girlfriend. Sadie, this is everyone." She points and names everyone and I'm anxious about remembering them all. I accept Gemma's offer of a drink and go to the bar with her to order.
     I've been standing here a few minutes waiting and I feel someone tap my shoulder. "Well hello," I turn to see Heath standing beside me. "Hi Heath. How are you?" He leans into me, answering with "I'm well, you" as I back away and this gets Gemma's attention. "I'm well, Heath thanks. This is Gemma, my boyfriend's sister. Gemma, this is Heath, I work with him." Gemma is polite, but not overly so.
     "Where is your little boyfriend Sadie? Too young to come in here?" I look to Gemma who is about ready to snap. "No actually," I say, turning to Heath, "he's finishing up his sold out world tour while you are here seemingly alone. Now let us be, thanks." He looks angry, but walks away and I hear Gemma laugh. "Damn, Sadie! He's an ass!" We both laugh, carrying our drinks back to our table.
     "So you're excited for him to be home yeah?" Gemma asks me, a few drinks in. "Oh yeah. I'm more excited than you can imagine. I miss him so much it physically hurts me." She smiles, leaning in and putting her head on my shoulder. "I really am sorry I was such a bitch. You love him, I can see that. He's happy, you're happy. I can't hate that. Plus I'd hate to see what that Heath guy would say if you were single! Dear lord!"
     We laugh and drink some more, soon finding it closing time and we head out. We share a cab home, me getting out first near Harry's neighborhood. Or mine, now I guess. I head inside, slipping my clothes off before crawling into bed. My phone rings, it's Harry.
     "Hiiiiiiiiiii handsome! I misssss you!" I hear him laugh, "a wee bit drunk are we, gorgeous?" I nod before realizing he can't see me. "Yes actually. It's all," hiccup, "Gemma's fault."
     "Did you have fun with her baby?"
     "I really did. I like her and she said she likes me. How perfect! Now I don't have to worry about you leaving me because of your sister." He's quiet for a minute, so quiet I thought he was asleep. "Baby, you thought that? I wasn't ever going to leave you. You're stuck with me."
     I giggle, suddenly missing Harry in a physical way. "I'm horny Harry, I can't wait until you're home." I'm getting sleepy, I feel myself drifting off. "Me too babe, soon though. Sooner than you think." I can't even think his words over before I pass out, holding the phone up to my head.

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