Rumor Mill.

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*texts from Sadie will be in italics. Texts from Harry will be in bold.*

     Since making up with Harry, I've spent nearly every day with him. I was apprehensive about going out in public, since the one time we really did there were pictures. But we're careful, never seen touching in an intimate way. We've been shopping for antiques, Harry wanting to redecorate his house. And groceries, being almost a normal domestic couple.
     I had been fairly lucky when it comes to paparazzi, never seeing many of them at once. But last night, Harry and I went to dinner with Lou at some steakhouse I can't remember the name of, and when we came out, there were tens of them waiting on us. I could see them through the window and got a little scared. Harry went out ahead of us to greet some of the people waiting.
     "Don't worry about them, babe. Just look down and go straight to the car. You'll get used to it." I didn't want to get used to it, but I knew it was part of the territory when it comes to Harry. I do as Lou said, pushing through the crowd with my head down.
     "Are you Harry's new girl?"
     "How long will this one last?"
     "Another older woman for Harry?"
     "Try to last longer than his usuals!"
     Those are some of the things shouted at me while I make my way to the car. I ignore them, on the outside, but inside I'm screaming. I want to tell them all to shut up and to leave us alone, but Lou ushers me into the car. It isn't long until Harry joins us, his arm immediately finding my shoulders. There are flashes into the car before it pulls away leaving the vultures behind.
     "Well, gorgeous, you survived your first pap run in. Proud of you," he gives my forehead a kiss. I smile at him, "how do you deal with that all the time?!" He laughs, "you get used to it. You'll see."
     Harry saying that makes me think about being with him for the long haul. It's a weird, crazy thought. But it doesn't scare me. I like it, actually. I don't want Lou to hear me, so I lean into Harry's ear, "I'll get used to it for you. I wouldn't for anyone else." Harry smiles bigger than I've ever seen, kissing me hard on the mouth. We giggle at Lou's protests but ignore her. We make our way home, Harry coming in to stay with me, and make our way to bed. I fall asleep with his head on my chest and his arm around my waist and it's perfect.
     I wake up and see a missed call from Arnez. I sneak out of bed and head to the kitchen so I can talk without waking Harry. "Hey bitch, I saw your picture online!" She tells me about the pictures popping up from our dinner last night and that they're all over the Internet. I end the call and get online, wanting to see what they're saying. It isn't hard to find.
Does Harry Styles have a new lady?
     Harry Styles seen out with mysterious older woman.
     One Direction hottie Harry taken? It seems so.
     Cougar bait! Styles lands himself another older woman.
     I read every article that comes up, hoping they'll say something good. Most mention Caroline, a relationship Harry explained to me. Some speculate that while I'm older and seen out with him, I'm not actually a date, simply a friend of Lou. And a couple go as far as to say I'm his aunt or some shit. Like seriously?
     I hear Harry join me, his chin resting on my shoulder and his arms wrapping around me. "What ya looking at babe?" I show him and he laughs, kissing my cheek. "I probably should have warned you. You're top news now baby." We Google ourselves, well just Harry really, and see pictures of our time together. In the pictures, we look really happy so I tell Harry that. "It's because we are happy, gorgeous. I'm with you, a total babe."
     I stick my tongue out at him which he catches with his lips, sucking it into his mouth. I don't let the kiss last long before sending Harry off so I can whip us up some breakfast. As we sit to eat, Harry looks at me with a serious expression. "Do you think maybe we could just, you know, make an announcement that we're together? It would stop the speculation and gossip."
     I think about this for a moment, not sure if I'm ready for the craziness that would cause. "Can we wait a little while longer? I mean, you haven't even really asked me to be your girlfriend..." He gasps, putting his hand to his heart.
     "Well damn. Guess I should do that before shouting it to the world." He kisses me, tasting of pancakes and orange juice and I couldn't like it more.
     I finish up my shoot, a small jewelry ad and head to find some lunch. I get a text while I wait, of course from Harry.
Gorgeous. A car will pick you up at 7. Be ready. Wear whatever you want. :)
     What's going on Harry? And whatever I want? That's not specific at all.
It's a surprise. And you could wear nothing. I wouldn't mind that (;
     You're such a perv. And okay, I'll be ready. See you later baby.
     I have no idea what Harry has planned, but I get myself ready by 7. The car takes me somewhere familiar and I realize it's driving me to Harry's house. This is strange.
     When I get up to the door there's a message taped on simply saying come in. I walk in and it smells amazing, but it's dark. I see a flicker of light and decide to follow it. I come around the corner into the dining room and there's Harry, with a table set and candles lit around the room. "Oh Harry. This is beautiful. What's all this for?"
     He walks to me, taking my face in his hands and kissing me. "This is for my wonderful girlfriend, if she'll have me?" I nod quickly, kissing Harry and running my hands through his long curls. "This is amazing. Thank you."
     He leads me to the table and serves me food that makes my mouth water. We eat, discussing life and work and us, an actual thing now. "So Sadie, there's new articles out today. Did you look at them?" I say no, but really I'm lying. "You're such a bad liar, babe. But I think my favorite headline today was 'One Direction Heartthrob in Love with Mystery Beauty.'" He winks at me and it sends my heart into overdrive. 
     "Well my favorite was 'Older Woman with Styles: Girlfriend or Handler?' Like come on now magazine." We laugh about the articles, never spending a second without touching each other. "Sadie, I would really like to go public. Admit to everyone that we're together. I want it so bad." But there's something holding me back.
     "I want to meet your mother first." He looks confused, "okay?" I take his hand. "After Gemma I almost lost you. I want your mom's blessing before we go public. I want her to know how much you mean to me." He smiles, kissing me. "Deal. You meet my mummy and then we're shouting to the world?"
     I nod, kissing his jaw. "You got a deal, boyfriend." He kisses me then picks me up and carries me to bed. I spend the night naked, wrapped up in the sheets with Harry, my boyfriend.

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