Family Talk.

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     I wake up to Harry's empty bed, but can tell by the sheets he hasn't been gone long. I slip on his shirt from last night, much as the norm now, and head off to find him. I hear his voice from the living room and realize he's on the phone. I hide behind the hallway wall so I don't interrupt him.
"Mum, she's amazing. I want you guys to meet. I don't care what Gemma says! She was a horrible bitch to Sadie." His mom must chastise him for his languages because he lets out a huff, annoyed. "Mum listen to me. I've never felt like this before, ever. She takes my breath away and literally makes me tingle. I can't be near her and not touching her. Mum. This is for real. I want you guys to meet. Give her a chance and you'll love her, I know it."
My heart is beating fast, his words warming me from the inside. I head back to his room and make some noise so he'll know I'm coming out. "Okay, mummy. We'll see you tonight. I love you," I hear as I come down the hall.
     "Babe, what you doing?" I ask as I come around the corner. He greets me with a passionate kiss, his arms around my waist while he dips me slightly. "I was trying to rectify your reluctance." I laugh, "those are big words for this early in the morning." He laughs, kissing me again. He sits down on the couch, pulling me down with him.
     He plays with my fingers, "gorgeous, mummy is going to come to dinner here tonight. Is that okay?" I immediately go into panic mode. "It's fine, but I need things! I need an outfit. And groceries. What will I cook? Oh my god, Harry..." He cuts me off with a kiss. "Calm down baby. We could order food in?"
     "No way. If your mother is coming, I'm cooking for her. I need to show her I can take care of her baby boy." I run my hands through his hair. "You do take care of me. Especially in bed," he winks. I smack him, "oh stop it." He kisses me again, gently, holding my face to him. "I can't wait for you to meet her. She'll love you." I nod even though I'm nervous.
     We make plans to run by my place so I can plan an outfit before we head to the grocery store. I've decided to make lasagna, confident in my ability to make it. Harry says it sounds good, so I hope Anne will like it.
     People notice us in the grocery store so we're careful to not touch each other. A group of girls comes up to us, asking me to be in the picture as well. "You're Sadie right?" I'm confused. "How do you know that?" The girls giggle, "you were mentioned once in a Lou tweet. We just guessed. Will you be in the picture with us?" Harry smiles at me and winks, us sliding between some of the girls, a girl in between us.
     It doesn't take long to make the girls happy and they leave us to shop. Harry sneaks touches, his hand grazing my hip, or my ass, before moving away. He's being cheeky and I find it adorable. We make our way to check out, Harry all but throwing a tantrum when I pay before he can. I just stick my tongue out to him and smack his arm, making him smile at me.
     "Mum will be here at 7," Harry says to me as I'm mixing things for lasagna. I figure it cooks for an hour, so I'll put it in the oven at 6:30, leaving us some time to talk before dinner. I'm terrified and my hands shake as I work.
     "Gorgeous, relax. It'll be great. You'll see. Just be yourself and she'll love you," he says, moving behind me and kissing my neck. "I just don't want her to hate me like Gemma does." He sighs, kissing me again before turning me to face him. "Baby, my mum will love you. You're perfect and once she sees how happy you make me, she couldn't hate you if she wanted to." He reassures me. I feel like he's always reassuring me.
     I get the pan into the oven and head off to his room to get ready. I dress in something simple, black leggings and a gray colored top. My hair is simple in a messy bun. I don't bother with shoes since we're home, choosing to be comfortable. I hear the doorbell and head off to meet Anne.
     "Mummy! Hi!" Harry pulls her into a hug. I move to them, Harry seeming to sense me as he turns to me. "Mum, this my girlfriend, Sadie. Sadie, this is my mum Anne." I move to shake her hand but she pulls me into a hug. "Hello dear. You look lovely, I'm happy to meet you." Unlike Gemma, she appears to be trying to like me.
     "I'm thrilled to meet you. You're stunning. No wonder where Harry gets his looks from." She laughs, her eyes crinkling like Harry's do. I feel a bit of relief but leave them to check on the food. I hear them head to the living room and decide to play host, even though this isn't my house. "Anne, would you like something to drink?" I hear her say wine, so I open a bottle and pour us all a glass. Harry stands to take them from me when I head out to join them.
     "Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes," I say to them. "Mum, Sadie actually prepared dinner for us. Made a homemade lasagna!" He beams, looking proud of me. I smile at them, sitting next to Harry who puts his arm around my shoulders. I decide to be brave and open with Anne. It's the only way she'll respect me.
     "Anne, can I just say thank you for agreeing to meet me." She smiles at me. "After meeting Gemma, I tried to get Harry to leave me." He pulls me to him and kisses my temple. "She didn't seem to like me. But I want you to know I really, really like your son. He's amazing. He's the best person I know. I know I'm older than him but it doesn't seem so apparent when we're together. I just don't want you to hate me." I look to Harry who smiles at me, his dimples showing so I reach up and poke one. He kisses my forehead.
     I look to Anne who's been quiet since I stopped talking and she's smiling at us, looking happy. "Sadie, I know Gemma didn't give you a warm greeting and I'm sorry for that. I can see how much you care for Harry. And I can see how happy he is when he's near you. I haven't seen my boy so happy in a long time. From what I've seen, I think you're lovely."
     I relax then hear the timer go off and move to set the table. I serve them dinner, refilling their glasses as well. "She's wonderful, Harry. You found a good one," I hear while I'm gathering the last of things for dinner. "I know I did, mum. But thank you for giving her a chance." I enter the dining room, both of them smiling at me.
     We talk through dinner and I tell Anne about my career and the ads I've been working on. She tells me about Harry as a kid and how hard it was for her when he first left. Harry can't stop smiling, watching us interact with each other.
     When it's time for Anne to head home, she hugs me, tightly, and whispers in my ear. "Thank you Sadie. You make him so happy and I know you'll take care of him. You're wonderful." I smile, thanking her, and watch as they say goodbye.
    The door closes and Harry is on me, kissing me and smiling against my lips. "She loved you! I told you!" He picks me up and spins me around. "Can we tell everyone now?" I laugh and kiss him. "Yes Harry, we can tell the world!" He kisses me again and carries me off to bed.

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