Daily Mail.

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*texts from Sadie will be in italics. Texts from Harry will be in bold.*

I need groceries, but the thought of spending time in the market just doesn't sound fun. It's the weekend again, meaning no work the next two days. I make a quick list, walking to the closest market to shop. It's not crowded, surprisingly, and I move efficiently, getting everything I need in a short time. There's only one check out open, leaving me standing in line behind a woman and her young children.
The newspaper rack catches my attention but it takes a moment to realize the person on the cover is Harry, a picture with it of him and a woman. The headline attached makes me almost choke.
Heartthrob Harry out in LA. Stepping out on new gf?
I grab the newspaper, opening it to his article, seeing a bigger version of the picture from the cover. Harry's with a woman, a younger woman, walking to a car. There are more pictures, of them in stores and the car, spread throughout the article. I decide to read it.
"Harry Styles enjoys himself on tour, we already know this. But while in LA, Harry was photographed with a young woman, hitting the best stores in town. Now people are wondering, what about his girlfriend? Harry recently announced he was taken, girlfriend Sadie introduced to the world two months ago on a red carpet. Sadie, an up and coming photographer, is said to be in London working while Harry is away. Does she know what Harry is up to? Or is Harry solidifying his place as a the ladies man he's been known to be? More information will be released when available."
     I feel like I'm going to be sick, my stomach turning and my head pounding. I put the newspaper down, feeling like it singed my skin. I proceed to check out, feeling like a zombie, going through the motions. I head home, my anger building the closer I get.
     When things are put away I find my phone, seeing three missed calls from Harry. I don't call him back, knowing I will have a freak out so I text instead.
Saw your picture in a magazine... Looked like you had a good time shopping.
     Sadie. It's not what you think. I'm going to call.
     He calls, I don't answer.
Sadie. Answer me please. It's not what it seems, I promise. Let me talk to you.
     I don't want to talk right now, Harry. I'll call you later.
     I love you Sadie.
     You too, Harry.
     I don't even know what to do with myself, feeling like this is the reason Harry's been so distant lately. I hate that I'm questioning him, but I don't know what else to do. I've been cheated on and played for stupid before, I'm not sure I have it in me to do it again. I need to talk to someone, so I call the one person I can think of.
     "Sadie honey, how are you?" Her voice calms me a bit. "Anne, I'm not well. I feel like my heart is breaking. Can I come see you?" She quickly agrees and I head out the door, hailing a cab to head to her. I cry on the way, not being able to control myself.
     When I get to her, Anne is waiting for me at the door, pulling me into a hug. "Aw lovely, what's wrong?" I sniffle, whimpering an answer. She pulls me inside, sitting with me on her couch. "Things have been weird with Harry since he left. We barely talk and then, okay. So the other day he said he was going shopping, that's fine. But today on the cover of the Daily Mail is him, shopping, with a girl. A younger looking girl. Why didn't he just mention to me he was going with someone?"
     Anne nods, listening. "Harry called me right after you did. He told me he thought you were upset and asked what to do. I looked up the pictures, I know who the girl is."
     I look up at her, surprised. "You do?" I feel myself frown and can't stop it. "Yes lovely, that's Harry's friend Jeff's girlfriend. They usually have a shopping day every time he's in LA." Okay, I can understand that. "But why didn't he tell me when he talked to me?"
     "That I can't tell you. I guess I should say, Harry's not used to having someone to tell those things to. He usually is single, so maybe he didn't even think of it? I don't know. What I do know is that Harry loves you. I've never heard him talk about anyone the way he talks about you."
     She smiles at me, me returning it slightly. "I love him too. I told him finally." She laughs, "yes lovely, I know. He told me. He said he thought his heart was going to explode he was so happy. I've never seen him like this, Sadie. He adores you. For once I don't feel like the most important person in his life."
     He words make me cry, happy tears this time. "Really? He cares for me that much?" She laughs. "Yes lovely, he does. He loves you and I know he's worried right now thinking you're upset at him."
     "I was upset, more so about the fact that he could have mentioned it. I wouldn't have freaked out had I known before seeing it in a freaking newspaper." She nods, agreeing with me. "I know honey. But trust me, he didn't mean to keep things from you. I promise."
     I nod, spending some more time with Anne before heading home. In the cab, I decide to text Harry.
Hi Harry. I've just left your mom's house. I'm sorry I was upset earlier. I just wish you would have told me and I didn't see it in a newspaper.
     Hi gorgeous, I understand. I'm happy you went to my mum. Means a lot to me. I'm so sorry you had to see that article, I didn't even think about it. I'm not used to this while on tour. I am so sorry. I love you so much, I don't want you to ever question that.
     His text makes me cry again, but I'm not sad.
I love you too, Harry. I really do. I miss you so much, I can't stand it. I never thought being apart would be this hard.
     I know baby. I hate being away from you, too. But I'll see you soon okay? Maybe you can come visit soon, get some time off work. Samantha owes you. Ha.
     I'll see what I can do. I want to see you so bad. And kiss you. And love up on you. (;
     Stop it or you'll make me hard (; I'll call you tonight, we have a night off. I love you so much. Hopefully see you soon.
     It's in that moment I know he'll see me soon, my tablet on my lap open to a booking site. I buy a ticket to where the boys are, a red eye flight available tonight. I'm going to surprise Harry, getting the help of Niall to make it happen. I text Anne to tell her, her responding with a smiley face. I go and pack, throwing things into a bag before heading to the airport and boarding a plane.

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