Unexpected Visitor.

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*texts from Sadie will be in italics. Texts from Harry will be in bold.*

     In the weeks since vacation, Harry has been preparing for tour and I've been working my ass off. My hard work then my public declaration with Harry have apparently boosted my value, Samantha having said in passing that I've become the most lucrative photographer. Part of me was worried, thinking Harry was the reason for this. But Samantha reminded me of my increase in work before we were even public.
     I've finished today's shoot early, but stay with Samantha to look through portfolios of potential hires. In this moment I realize how much Samantha values my opinion. I observe, pointing out ones I feel show promise and moving away ones that don't.
     My phone rings as I'm headed to the restroom showing me that my neighbor Wendall is calling me. It's strange and I feel obligated to answer. "Hi Wendall, is everything okay?"
"Yes, Sadie. Uh, there's a man here looking for you. Says he's your boyfriend but he doesn't look like the guy who comes around for you. This one seems... Mean."
     My mind instantly goes to Robert, but I struggle in how he would find me. But he's Robert, someone sneaky and smart enough to find out whatever he wants. "Is he able to hear you Wendall?"
     "Oh no, he's outside your door, I'm in my apartment being a creep through the peephole." I laugh a little, "okay can you do me a favor? Go and tell him I'm gone for the weekend." He agrees, putting the phone down to pass the message to the unexpected visitor. I can hear the exchange, Wendall telling him I'm gone but not aware as to where. Robert, who I can confirm it is now, is asking more questions. It isn't long until Wendall is back.
"Okay, Sadie. I told him and he left. But he didn't seem happy, said he'll be back." I thank Wendall for calling and head back to work, a weird feeling lingering with me. I try to shake the feeling before reaching Samantha but I'm not sure I do.
It's Saturday and I'm home alone, a little uneasy knowing Robert's in town. I didn't mention it to Harry, hoping it wouldn't be an issue. He's out with a couple friends, people I've met many times, but I'm tired and have a headache, so I opted to stay home.
I'm curled up on the couch, hot tea sitting before me and I'm scrolling though the channels when my door bell rings. I'm instantly on edge, knowing it's someone I don't want to see. But I can't hide, he'll keep coming back. So I go to the door and open it.
"Hello Robert. What do you want?" He looks annoyed, but not angry, and stares at me. "I see you got back into town. Your neighbor said you were gone." Thank you so much, Wendall. "I was gone, with my boyfriend. But I got back earlier today."
His face changes to angry, his arms crossing over his chest. "Sadie, can I come in?" I don't want to, but I formulate a plan. Let him in then text Harry, telling him I need him. "Yeah, sure." I move to my phone while I hear Robert come in and shut the door.
Harry, I'm so sorry in interrupt but can you come to my apartment? I need you.
Gorgeous, is everything okay?
Robert is here, he somehow found me. I don't want to be here alone.
Babe! I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as I can.
My heart relaxes a bit knowing Harry is coming. But I need to deal with Robert now. I turn to find him watching me. "So what is it you want, Robert?" I move, sitting on the chair to make sure he can't sit with me. He sits on the couch closest to me, crossing his legs like he used to do when we'd sit together. "I'm here for you, Sadie. I want you to come back to me."
I can't help but laugh, out loud, at his ridiculous words. "Sadie, why are you laughing?" He looks hurt, which is funny, since it's a face I've rarely seen on him. "I'm laughing because you're ridiculous. You didn't give a fuck about me leaving you and now, almost a year later you want me back? Hell to the no."
He shifts, clearly uncomfortable. "How did you find me?" He stares at his feet, "well after I saw those pictures of you and that boy in some magazines, I came here. Wasn't hard to hunt you down."
I feel instant rage when he calls Harry a boy but decide to ignore it. "What did you think you'd get out of this? Are you done fucking my ex friend?" His face is angry again, he fidgets with his hands. "There was no need for you to act like you did about that, Sadie. You acted silly. And I came to get you, I told you."
Right when he says that, I hear my door open and Harry's boots on the wood floor. "Gorgeous, where are you?" He makes me smile, thoughts of Robert almost gone. "We're in the lounge babe." I hear him coming closer and brace myself for his arrival.
When I see him I sigh in relief. He comes to sit on the arm of the chair, placing a kiss on my temple. "So Robert, what are you doing here?" I hide my smile, almost turned on at the fact that Harry is here to protect and defend me.
     "Well, kid, I'm here to get Sadie back, not that it's your business." I feel Harry tense, so I reach a hand out, rubbing lightly against Harry's thigh. He wraps his arm around me. "Well you're here for my girl, so it is my business." Robert doesn't know how to react. 
     "You need to leave, Robert. I don't want you. I left you for a reason. I've moved on. You should too, even though you did before I even left you." Robert stands, visibly angry and flexing his fists. Harry stands as well, blocking me from Robert.
     "Sadie, can I just say, I never imagined you'd go from me to a little boy. A boybander no less, good job Sadie. I never expected you to become such a whore." At that, Harry snaps, hitting Robert square in the jaw. He stumbles, surprised by the hit. "Don't ever talk about Sadie that way again. Say what you want about me, but don't say shit about her."
I'm not surprised when Robert doesn't make a move to hit Harry back, clearly shocked that Harry is so aggressive in his protection of me. "Well I can see you're not interested, Sadie," Robert says, looking past Harry to stare at me. "I'm not Robert, you're right. I'm happier now than I've ever been thanks to Harry. Go back to Melissa."
I wrap my arm around Harry, looking up to him. He's staring at me, eyes full of what I feel is love, smiling down to me. "I'll go. Sorry for all of this." I don't respond, simply turning to lead him out. Harry lets me go alone, waiting in the lounge for me. "I can see you're happy Sadie. I'm glad. Sorry for coming. Sorry for hurting you."
"I'm not sorry you hurt me. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have come here. I'm successful, I'm happy. I have a person I can't imagine life without. So thank you, actually." Robert looks at me sadly and nods, making a move to leave. I close and lock the door, resting my forehead against it, breathing slowly.
I turn to go back to Harry, startling slightly when I see him standing in the doorway staring at me. I know he heard what I said to Robert and I can only hope he feels the same about me.

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