All Week.

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     Shooting Liam and Niall yesterday was like a vacation compared to Harry and Louis. They listened and did exactly as they were told. It's now obvious to me who the handfuls are.
     Niall mentioned something about Harry showing up yesterday, and he did. He wasn't here the whole day, just long enough to flirt a bit, call me gorgeous and make me blush. He knows what he's doing. Niall noticed too, mentioning I was blushing. "Oh shut up and pose, Niall." He laughed but did as he was told.
     Today is the first day of group shots. These will be for their calendar they'll be putting out soon for next year. I arrive, before the boys, and discuss the plan with Angie and am introduced properly to the silver haired woman from the other day. "Sadie, this is Lou Teasdale. She does the boys' hair. Been with them since X Factor days yeah?" Lou is adorable, tiny and beautiful. "About that long yeah. Hi Sadie!" Angie runs off and handles something on the phone.
     "So Sadie. You're who Harry keeps talking about right?" I blush, looking to the ground. "Oh probably. I can't make him stop." She laughs, "yeah that isn't going to happen. Harry is persistent, if nothing else." I laugh, agreeing. "He's just a flirt, I don't put too much into it." Lou looks at me for a minute. "Well, he is a flirt. But normally that's all the farther it goes. But Harry has mentioned you to me, and my baby girl Lux. I think it's more than flirting."
     I'm surprised by her words, not really understanding why Harry would talk about me, especially to a baby! "Well, he's too young for me. He doesn't want a 30 year old woman." Lou laughs, "honey, he wants you. Doesn't matter your age. It wouldn't be the first time he's dated an older woman." I already know this, of course. But I don't know. I can't let myself go there. "Well I'm sure it's just flirting. It'll stop eventually I'm sure." She winks, "whatever you say love."
     She heads off when the doors open and the four boys shuffle in. I head over, double checking equipment, praying there's no issues like there were the other day. "Well hello gorgeous," I hear shouted from across the open area. It's Harry, of course. "Good morning, Harry. How are you?" He walks to me, pulling me into a hug. "I'm very, very well right now. You're comfy." I force myself to pull away.
     "Harry, stop it." I try to give him an intimidating look, but it just makes him laugh. "Now run off, get ready." He smiles, "yes mam!" I know he means it as a joke, but it just again reminds me that I'm an old lady compared to him.
     My mood is down from what it was this morning, but I fake a smile to get through the shoot. Harry keeps looking at me, confusion and wonder clear on his face. I think he can sense the mood has changed for me. We do the first two sets of outfits and backdrops before we break for lunch.
     I grab my chicken wrap, what I've eaten everyday, and head off to a quiet corner alone. My isolation doesn't last long, Harry moving next to me to sit down. "Hey gorgeous, what's wrong?" I just shake my head, not wanting to explain to him how I feel. "I'm fine, Harry." He frowns, not accepting my answer. "Sadie, I can tell something is the matter. Talk to me." He seems genuinely interested, so I give him a snippet.
     "You called me mam." His confusion is obvious, and he stares at me waiting for more explanation. "Okay?" I look away from him, "I'm much older than you, Harry. You need to stop flirting with me. You called me mam." Understanding takes over his face. "Sadie, no. I didn't say that because you're older than me. Who gives a shit about that? I was just trying to be cute," he grabs my hand. "I want to flirt with you, Sadie. You're beautiful. I can't help myself."
     I take my hand from him, making the move to get up and walk away. "I'm not going to stop, Sadie. I know you think I'm just a flirt, but I mean it. You're beautiful." I smile, nodding my head then walk away. We do two more outfits before calling it a day. For the first time, I leave clean up to the crew and leave before anyone else.
     Today is day four of the shoot and when I wake up, my sour mood from yesterday is still lingering. I dress more casual than I ever have and head to the shoot site. It's bustling, people are around and I then notice I'm later arriving than even the boys. The one who greets me is Lou. "Hi Sadie. How are you today? You alright? Harry mentioned that something was wrong." I sigh, both annoyed and pleased that Harry's been talking about me again.
     "I'm alright Lou. Thanks. You look lovely today." She smiles at me but I know she doesn't believe me. We go about our shoot, today focusing on shots for their new merch. I go through the motions until lunch, where Harry pulls me into a small closet.
     "Harry, what the hell?" He just stares at me. "Sadie, what is wrong? I know something is wrong. Even Lou agrees with me. Something is the matter but I thought we fixed it yesterday. Why won't you tell me?" I just stare at him. I don't understand why he's so concerned. "Why do you care, Harry? Why does it even matter to you?" He looks at me like I'm insane. "Sadie, are you serious? Just tell me please."
     "Harry, it's you! Okay? You're what's wrong!" He's even more confused now than he was. "I'm old compared to you, and you're always flirting. It's meaningless to you, I'm sure. But it isn't to me." Harry just sighs, "Sadie, you're not old. You're beautiful. And I flirt with you because I want to and I mean it."
     I just nod, moving past Harry to leave. I need to be away from him. I call off the rest of the shoot and head home to be alone.
      The rest of the week goes smoothly, Harry continues to flirt with me and I continue to blush at it. We're finishing up today and part of me is sad that this is over. I'm packing up when Lou and Harry come find me. "Hey Sadie. We have a question." I'm a little scared. "Yes Lou?" She smiles. "Well tonight the boys and I and some of our friends and crew are all going out. We were wondering if you'd like to come out too."
     I take a moment to think, looking to Harry for reassurance of what to do. He smiles at me, dimples showing and eyes sparkling. "Yeah, alright. That sounds fun." They smile and high five, making me laugh. Lou and I exchange numbers and make plans to meet up. I'm excited and anxious. But I agree, and they head off. Now the hard part... What should I wear?

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