Third Trimester.

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     "Here, lovely, let me help you." I agree, Anne leaning down to get my dropped napkin. I can't reach, my belly fucking huge and forever in my way. I'm counting the days until baby is here just so this belly will be out of my way. I've taken a leave from work, not needing to worry about it thanks to Harry.
     "How are you feeling, Sadie? You look uncomfortable." Gemma asks me from across the table, the three of us enjoying a lunch together. "That's a word for it. I'm okay, but poor Harry. I constantly wake him up because I can't sleep." They laugh. "I doubt he minds. He's so excited for baby to get here. I've never seen him so happy." I smile, knowing she's telling the truth.
     We didn't want to find out what the sex was, instead decorating a gender neutral nursery. We asked people to not buy presents until after he or she is born. We're having a party tonight instead of a baby shower, I didn't want all the attention. "So how much longer, lovely?" Anne asks me.
     "My due date is in two weeks, but I'm hoping I'll be early. I don't think Harry or I can survive another two weeks!" I eat, like a pig, constantly hungry. I've tried to be healthy and eat salads and things, but sometimes a girl just wants some cheese sticks or something fried.
     Gemma pays our bill, fighting me on it. I don't have enough energy to fight too hard though. Lucky for her. We make our way to our house, Harry at a meeting with the boys. Production on a new album starts soon, ensuring Harry will be home for the first part of baby's life.
     There are things cluttering the kitchen, waiting to be dealt with for the party tonight, but I'm tired. "Lovely, go rest. Gemma and I will set up the stuff."
     "Yeah sis, mum and I got it. Go relax and take care of my baby." I smile and agree, heading for a rest in our bed. Gemma and I have grown close over my pregnancy, her taking to calling me sis. It makes me happy since I don't have family of my own. Arnez was shocked when I told her I was pregnant, but she was happy because I was happy. She's been to visit twice, one time bringing Daisy with her.
     I feel a slight pull in my lower stomach, but I ignore it. I figure I've eaten a lot today so a rest should take care of it. A nap is just what I need.
     My gray dress is clinging to my protruding belly and the sweat pouring off me is making it stick. "You okay, gorgeous?" Harry asks, his arm around me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just have a little tummy pains." He nods, kissing my temple and returns to the story being told.
     Everyone we care about is here, talking and enjoying the time together. I want to be having fun, but I'm uncomfortable, increasingly so as the time goes on. I have a sharp pain in my gut but don't let anyone notice my distress.
     The party goes on, each of the boys coming and taking pictures with my giant bump. They kiss it and talk to it, excited for a little one. I smile and talk, ignoring the pain. I don't want to interrupt the party. I stand to head to the kitchen when I feel something wet on my leg, well shit. I think I've pissed my pants.
     "Uh, sorry to bother everyone, but I think my water just broke!" Everyone jumps into action, Anne running to get my packed hospital bag while Harry guides me to the car. He climbs into the back with me, yelling at Gemma to drive. "Baby, have you been having contractions?" I nod and whimper as another one hits me. "Why didn't you say anything?"
     "I didn't want to ruin the party." They all laugh at me, shaking their heads. Gemma drives, Anne watching me from the front seat. Harry is rubbing my shoulders and back, brushing my hair from my face. He whispers sweet things into my ear, but I'm in too much pain to care.
     We quickly make it to the hospital and I'm wheeled into a room. The doctor checking me and telling me I'm almost ready to push. I was already dilated to a 9 and it wouldn't be long. I was too late to get pain medication, so I just had to suffer. Harry stands beside me, holding my hand. "Baby, you're amazing. I've never been this in love with you before." I smile at him slightly, squeezing his hand when another pain hits me.
     Gemma offers me a damp rag, placing it on my forehead to try to help. Soon, it's time to push. A few painful squeezes, a few hard pushes and soon, our little baby girl is born.
     I hear Lydia making noise through the baby monitor and I know I need to get up. I feel as though I've died somewhere in the last week, never getting enough sleep. I feel Harry move in bed, leaning to me. "You stay in bed, gorgeous. I'll go check on our girl." I smile slightly and roll to my side, happy for some sleep.
     I wake up a bit later to Harry carrying Lydia into our room. "Baby, I think she's hungry. I can't make her happy." I laugh, moving myself to sit up for her. I pull my shirt down to arrange myself, Harry handing me the little beauty. "I dressed her myself, aren't you proud, baby?" Harry says as I take her. I look at her outfit and gasp, her little onesie has a message on it.
     Her little shirt says 'Mummy, will you marry my daddy?' I turn to see Harry, on one knee next to our bed. I stand, holding her tightly and move to him. "Sadie, I love you, you know that. But what you don't know is I've known from the moment I saw you in those silly cat shoes that I wanted you forever. You've always been mine, I just had to find you. You're the best woman in the world and seeing you with our little girl makes me feel like I could die I'm so happy. Will you make me even happier and be with me forever?" He pulls out a ring box and opens it, the beautiful diamond shining at me.
     "Oh Harry, yes. Yes!" He stands, kissing me passionately, careful not to jostle Lydia. I feel my tears but don't make a move to wipe them. He slips the ring on to my finger, kissing me again. We move to the bed, cuddling with Lydia still on my chest. She's asleep now, holding my shirt in her little fist.
     Harry takes his phone out and takes a picture, Lydia's little head visible as well as my diamond, our hands entwined together. He sends it to everyone with the caption "she said yes!"
     We're flooded with happy texts from everyone, happy for us. "Harry, I'm so happy. I love you so much. Between you and her," I kiss her head, "I'm so full of love there's room for nothing else." He kisses me again, nuzzling into me. "I love you too. I can't wait until you're my wife."
     I kiss him and let my lips linger on his. "I can't wait either."

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