Chapter 34- Our Thing

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5 weeks later

It's been about a month since the second half of summer Magcon started and I just got back home with Cameron last week. This summer has been great except for some of the news I've gotten, but I just shove those things to the back of my head and try my best not to think about them. Magcon was amazing. It was without a doubt the best experience I've had in my entire life. I'm glad to be home though. I hadn't seen Cameron's parents, Chelsea, or Luke in a while. Actually, I haven't seen Chels or Luke since I've been back. I also haven't talked to Chelsea and Luke for a few weeks. I've tried texting and calling them, but they never answer. I'm not sure if they're okay, so I decided to go check on them today.

A couple days ago, I signed the lease to my new apartment. I started moving a few things in, but I still have to find a way to get my stuff from my mom's house.

As I pass my old house, memories flood through my body and I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to push back the bad memories. Pulling up into my best friend's driveway, I take a deep breath and park.

I hesitantly hop out of Cameron's car that he let me use and walk up to their door before knocking on it.

The door almost immediately flies open and I'm greeted with the tall, muscular, brown-haired boy I've grown to love over the past years.

"Tina," he says under his breath, shock painted on his face. His eyes are wide in what seems like disbelief and his hands shake nervously by his sides.

"Are you okay Luke?" I ask him.

"Uh, y-yeah," he stutters, looking back into the house. He steps outside and closes the door behind him. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to check on you. You haven't been answering my calls or texts and I haven't seen you guys in what feels like forever. Have you been ignoring me or something?"

"Look, Tina," he starts before getting cut off by the door opening.

"Luke, who's at the-" she stops in the middle of her question when she sees me.

"Tina," my name tumbles off her lips just the way it did with Luke.

"Okay what's going on here? Why are my best friends not excited to see me? Why are they shocked that I'm here and why have they been dodging my calls for weeks?" I semi-shout.

"I've just been really busy," Chelsea tries to explain.

"With what?" I spit. "What could you be so busy with that stopped you from communicating with me?"

Her face twists in fear before she starts to speak again. "M-my boyfriend," she stutters.

"So you have a boyfriend now and didn't tell me. And he's the reason why you haven't been talking to me?"

She nods slowly, her head low in shame.

"Who is he?" I ask her.

Her head slightly raises up and she makes eye contact with me before pointing at the silver car that I hadn't noticed in the driveway. The silver car that I used to ride in with the windows down and the music blaring. The silver car that I used to sit on the hood of, wrapped up in blankets and strong arms as we stared up at the stars. The silver car that I rode home in every night after football games or practice. That very car is the one that I remember being kicked out of after a game because I wasn't paying attention to it. And now I know that my very best friend in the whole world has felt the lips of the guy in the driver's seat of that silver car on hers, and it nearly knocks the wind out of me.

"Chad? You're dating Chad?" I scream.

Her head nods lightly.

"No," I shake my head, trying to rid my brain of this new information. I try to shake all the memories that I have with him out, let all of them go. Then maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

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