Chapter 12- Conscience & Mario Kart

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"Chelsea!" I screeched, hopping in the back of her and Luke's car. I really need my own so I don't have to bother people for rides all the time, though Chelsea and Cam doesn't seem to mind.

"Yes?" she asked arching an eyebrow. She's probably wondering why I'm so excited right now. I'm usually not this happy or energetic in the morning without my coffee.

I couldn't hold back the grin that was spread across my face no matter how hard I tried. She looked at me through her rear view mirror, a questioning look on her face as I squealed and squirmed around in my seat. The only explanation I have for my extremely unusual bliss is Cameron. He is the reason why I'm so giddy, which some might find annoying and unbearable, but that's their problem. Not mine.

Chelsea giggled. "Why are you so happy this morning? You're acting like Dave Franco just proposed to you or something."

"You're close", I said, the smile never leaving my face.

"Tina, if you met Dave Franco and didn't tell me, I swear to-"

"Cameron and I are dating!" I exclaimed cutting her off.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you! Tell me everything!"

The smile slowly dropped from my face as I remembered everything. I can't tell her everything right now. Not with Luke in the car. I feel uncomfortable telling her about how my boyfriend beat up his best friend.

"He's gonna find out sooner or later", an annoying voice in my head informed me.

Well I'm hoping later.

"Just tell him now and get it over and done with. It'll be easier."

No way.

"Stop being such a chicken and tell him."

I'm not being a chicken.

"Yes you are", the annoying voice retorted.

Shut up, conscience!

Am I really arguing with myself right now?


I mentally rolled my eyes at my stupid conscience. I wonder what would happen if I told Luke now as opposed to him finding out later. Either way, he won't be okay with the news. He understands that when Chad's being a jerk, sometimes he deserves mean comments that people throw at him. But they're like brothers, Luke's the only one who can hit him. And if someone else so much as steps on Chad's toe by accident, it automatically becomes Luke's problem and he's quick to defend him.

I really hope that nothing bad happens, nothing drastic. Luke's one of my

best friends and now Cameron's my boyfriend. I really don't want them fighting.

I wonder why Chad hasn't told Luke what happened yet. Maybe it's a pride thing. I mean, Cameron did beat Chad up pretty bad.

"Tina, are you okay?" Chelsea asked breaking me from my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah", I replied, not making eye contact with her. Instead, I looked out the window and noticed we were already at Starbucks.

I hopped out of the car along with my best friend and the zombie.

"No you're not", she said.

"Chels, I'm fine. I'm just thinking."

"About?" Luke spoke for the first time. I really didn't think he was aware of what was going on.

I wasn't exactly sure what to say. They know something's wrong. "It's not important" is what I decided on.

"Well it must be important, you zoned out for like five minutes."

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